Hannibal (Season 2)

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I think Hannibal hooking up with Alana is going to end up working against him in the long run. It is just so convenient that the one night where him being alone will be a problem for him is the night he hooks up with Alana. She will work that out in time no doubt.


I am glad the Miriam storyline has come back. With them never finding her body (just the arm) it was obvious she was not killed by Hannibal. I am guessing that Hannibal has either totally destroyed her mind or at least totally screwed up her memories in some way. No way she is going to be "ok" mentally though.


This episode had some great nods to both Silent of the Lambs and Hannibal (the 2000 movie) with the well scene where Miriam was found and Abel eating himself (similar to Paul Krendler being fed his own brain in Hannibal). Plus we got some great scenes of Hannibal cooking which is always fantastic.


I am wondering about the meat at Hannibal's party just being animal and not human. Did Hannibal know something like that might happen and so not feed his guests human meat? Or was it just luck that Jack took a sample of just animal meat?


As always I can't wait to see next weeks episode! This is easily my favourite show on TV right now and for me it is up there with Breaking Bad as being one of the best shows in the past few years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last Friday's episode was another solid one, albeit not as good as the previous episode. I really feel like they've written this entire season as a possible finale season. They could go either way: they wrote it in case it is, they've got closure coming for the fans, or they could get Hannibal out of the entire situation like he always done with some clever trick up his sleeve.

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  • 1 month later...

So is everyone dead? They were barely alive at the end.

I don't think so. I think Will & Jack have to survive; Will is way to vital to the storyline to kill off and to keep some continuity with the novels, I think Jack has to survive too.


As much as I love both Abigail and Alana, I think they are expendable to the story, especially Abigail. I absolutely love Alana and really wish they hadn't used her as just a sex object, batting her between Will and Hannibal this season. Nevertheless, she's still a great character and she could definitely be a reckoning in season three if she survives.


All that being said, I definitely think one of the major characters, plus Abigail, has to die, otherwise the audience will never feel what they did last night again. Shock and horrified is two words to describe last night. But if everyone survives, the next time the major characters are in peril, we won't feel anything because the writers will just find another way for them to live. It is one of the reasons why Lost, Heroes, The Vampire Dairies, and so many others use cheap storylines putting their main cast in peril time after time again and again and the audience doesn't feel anything anymore because we know they'll live. It is crap writing and I really hope they don't do that here.


tl;dr Abigail and a main character has to do and I feel like the most expendable is Alana; Will and Jack have to survive.

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Ending was insane. Kind of looked like they filmed it to be a possible series finale when they didn't know if they would get a season 3. I'm sure Jack and Will survive, and I hope Alana does but I'm not so sure about that....

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So Season 3 will be the hunt for Hannibal. I guess we won't see the Tooth Fairy until Season 4 at the earliest or it may even serve as the 5th and final season.

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Fuller has said the events of Red Dragon won't take place until season 4.

"Season 4 will then adapt the events of Red Dragon, and feature Dolarhyde, though he has not been cast as of the end of season 1, given that the show has not been confirmed to last at least four seasons. However, given how important Dolarhyde is going to be in later seasons, Fuller included an off-screen cameo of Dolarhyde in the opening scene of the first episode, "Ap?ritif", when Graham is reconstructing the crime scene in a house. Graham concludes that the killer intentionally shot his victims through the throat in such a way that they would die slowly, so they could see what he was doing. Fuller confirmed in interviews that this is an early kill of Dolarhyde's, before he perfected his full pattern of home invasion and decorating corpses with pieces of mirrors." (http://www.assignmentx.com/2013/exclusive-interview-hannibal-news-on-season-1-season-2-and-beyond-from-showrunner-bryan-fuller/)

Also, in an interview I saw today, Fuller said season three will be a mix of Hannibal & Hannibal Rising, but they will be completely changing Hannibal's origin story.

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Better than season 1, still think some people overpraise it. Some elements still feel too networky, which is okay for a network show I guess. Season 3 looks pretty promising, taking material from two books means there pretty much won't be any filler. And I hope they completely remove the killer per episode/"my design" crap, and now fully devote attention to Hannibal.

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Better than season 1, still think some people overpraise it. Some elements still feel too networky, which is okay for a network show I guess. Season 3 looks pretty promising, taking material from two books means there pretty much won't be any filler. And I hope they completely remove the killer per episode/"my design" crap, and now fully devote attention to Hannibal.

What makes it feel "networky" to you?
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What makes it feel "networky" to you?


Some of the writing, despite the season being "only" 13 episodes, felt a bit stretched. Some of the twists and plot points felt a bit corny. Some of the elements seem to be too exaggerated and it doesn't always work right. For instance, the way it's visually over stylized works for the benefit of the show, but the dialogues can be tiring and kind of "trying too hard." It's not really that bad, but if it was any worse, it would turn the characters into typical network caricatures, sort of like Gil Grissom on CSI. Most dialogues with Hannibal are guilty of this. Of all the season, I only remember one metaphor: "There are holes in the floor of the mind" (what a great line). I know it's in nature of Hannibal's character, but I don't know, it could be a bit subdued. The monster-of-the-week aspect was more prominent in the first season, and I honestly hope they completely let go of that crap and turn into a proper serial format with an overarching storyline (and everything indicates they will).

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I personally disagree with all of that. They completely dropped the procedural aspect this season and did go with an overall storyarc. I think they had to have it in the first season because it had to introduce the characters and how they interact together and how Will & Hannibal grow to love each other. It is a love story and the dialogue between Hannibal & Will is all about the subtext of love and even hatred between these two characters.

I think it is as far from the typical network show it can be while still being on one of the big four networks. It isn't about logical writing, it is about being poetic and dreamy to a point. It is clearly a mix of Pushing Daisies in visual style and clever and witty as Dead Like Me.

I feel like this is the best show on all of TV right now.

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"It isn't about logical writing, it is about being poetic and dreamy to a point."


Actually this thought has crossed my mind. I guess I just don't enjoy that aspect being overstylized like the visual side of it. I can't think of any network TV shows I've watched in recent times (which is influencing my view on it), but I agree this is as close to a quality cable TV show as it can probably get.


I do hope they're picking up in viewership, Bryan Fuller deserves a successful show. But I just can't call it great or best, it doesn't sit that right with me.

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Love this show but I hope Season 3 will see an end to the shoe-horned quotes from the films, everytime they do it I can hear a clunking noise.

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