Bug bite-help identifying- insect bite

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Please help identify what type of bug but me this is extremely itchy and now noticing red bumps coming on the side too. Was tanning and didn't even notice or feel anything on my back until next morning itching like crazy. 


Doctor gave me antobiotic for infection and cream it has gotten a bt dryer this is todays shot 1 week later but he doesn't know what it was either. 



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Have you been scratching it and breaking skin? It could be several things if you have, from plain mosquitos to spiders.

Have you tried hydrocortisone? That can help if the bit left you wish histamines.

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We have had oak mites here the last two years in Kansas City.  They are similar to that.  They're microscopic, and not much you can do to treat.  You are supposed to use hot water and soap as soon as you come inside from work or whatever.  I think they're worse in the Fall, though.  Last year, I had to make sure to wear long sleeve shirt and wash as soon as I came back in.

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You joined a tech forum to ask a medical question? :huh:


Almost looks like bites I had when I was infested with bed bugs I picked up on a vacation (UGH).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Could be bed bugs. I remember getting similar bites like that on my left shoulder and upper left arm (like opposite the armpit area) when I was at college back in spring/summer 2009. Thought at first it was some kind of rash but after doing a bit of searching, nope. Bed bug bites.  It went away after a few very hot showers. 

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