Can you tell if photographs have been digitally altered

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The aim of this research is to investigate how well people can detect various types of digital manipulations in photographs.

We are frequently exposed to manipulated images in our daily lives—for example, in advertisements, in the news, on social media—and images can have a powerful influence on the things that we remember and the decisions that we make. Thus it is important to understand if people can detect when the images that they see have been altered.

You will be shown 10 photographs that might or might not have been digitally altered.

You can view each photograph for as long as you like before indicating whether or not you think it has been digitally altered. 

You will then be asked to indicate how confident you are in your answer.  


For each photograph, you will indicate where you believe it has been altered by clicking on a specific area of the photograph. If you think the photograph has not been altered, please just make a guess.


Please complete this study in one session.


At the end you will receive feedback on your performance.



My result  7/10

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