I saw this on Facebook and I got mad

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Another person blindly blaming a totally fixable problem on "gen Z" My reply to the image was:


Hello, no this is the collection of generations that saw profit over social responsibility as being more important, so made cuts and more cuts into public services to the point where we get over-spilled bins and too few people with the time and means to empty them on time.


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If the bins are full and no one emptied, that is one thing.  Trash will not stay in the bin.  But I still see people of all ages tossing trash without walking an additional 10ft to the trash bin.  I have a family member that tosses ###### out of the car when driving instead of holding on to the trash until they get home.  I always yell at them when I see it.  And do not get me started on people tossing out cigarette butts.  I think the laziness of people plays a big factor in littering.



Only thing I toss out the window is apple cores, banana peals, or other biodegradable stuff.  In a week or so, will be decomposed or an animal will come by and take care of it.  As long as it is in a dirt/grass area and not in the middle of a city where it will not decompose very well.  Currently I live in a very rural area and lots of fields and farm land where I am at.  Month or so, moving back to Phoenix so I will not do this in the city.

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I agree with you @Steven P. everyone is too quick to point fingers at someone else for a totally fixable problem. @techbeckdon't even get me started on cigarette butts! My BIL smokes like a chimney (at least he goes outside) and he will flick his still burning butt in to the street, the grass, etc. we had an issue a while ago where there was an extremely strong smell of gasoline, to the point that I called the FD to come out and investigate, the entire time they were doing there checks, BIL was smoking, and then just throwing the butt wherever, even one of the firefighters commented that he really should not be doing that since the source of the smell was still not located, but that didn't seem to even get through to him!

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