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He doesn't deserve it..

It is a coache's responsibility to stand by his players. He simply said that he would stand by his players. THAT IS WHAT A COACH IS SUPPOSED TO DO.

As for his comments regarding the girl's ability, they are true. The truth may hurt, but brutal honesty is not a reason to suspend a coach. A deserving guy was not awarded a scholarship just so the University could be a trailblazer.

If I was a coach, I would want the best players possible, not someone that the administration shoved down my throat.

So you make this forum thread and give no info?  I mean I know what has happened at Colorado, but I do not know what the coach said.

Well, there has been a previous thread regarding some of the things Barnett has said in the past. This has been a culmination of what's been going on.

The post was made as the news conference to put the coach on administrative leave was going on. No news sources as of yet. It's now been posted.

was barnett the guy that came from northwestern? no wait, that was darnell something? i can't remember. it's just a messed up situation there, and i'm sure many other schools are ****ing their pants hoping nothing surfaces, cuz this stuff happens everywhere.

was barnett the guy that came from northwestern? no wait, that was darnell something? i can't remember. it's just a messed up situation there, and i'm sure many other schools are ****ing their pants hoping nothing surfaces, cuz this stuff happens everywhere.

Yeah, he was the former coach from Northwestern.

He doesn't deserve it..

It is a coache's responsibility to stand by his players. He simply said that he would stand by his players. THAT IS WHAT A COACH IS SUPPOSED TO DO.

As for his comments regarding the girl's ability, they are true. The truth may hurt, but brutal honesty is not a reason to suspend a coach. A deserving guy was not awarded a scholarship just so the University could be a trailblazer.

If I was a coach, I would want the best players possible, not someone that the administration shoved down my throat.

I think you might e missing jus twhat has upset peopel about his comments. It is being implied that he thinks that since she actually sucked and should have never been on the team in the first place that this was something that could have been avoided had she just not insisted on trying to play with the 'boys'. He was basically insinuating that she was asking for it, at elast that is my understanding of what people are ****ed off about - not wheteher or not I think that is what he meant.

Frankly, I think it sucks if she really did get raped, that would be a horrific thing to go through.

On the other hand, I thought his comments about, not only is she a girl, she was horrible, were hilarious. It's not his fault if she sucked, he was just stating the facts.

He's responsible for representing the University of Colorado. Which I'm sure like other universities is concerned about it's

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Ole' Garry just showed to everyone how an Athletic program can break a University just as quickly as it can build one. Shame the University of Colorado still has to pay his salary....

Btw...currently investigating the 6th RAPE CASE at CoU.

Edited by Callaway

Jay Leno comments lol.

"Mardi Gras starts Tuesday. Mardi Gras is where you drink, have wild sex with people you don?t even know, women walk by and flash you ? you feel like a football recruit at the University of Colorado.

"Do you know why University of Colorado football players go into a huddle? So they can get their stories straight.

"Give you an idea how bad it is, today, the Taliban denounced the University of Colorado for their treatment of women."

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