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this question is on behalf of a friend:

my friend is setting up an ftp server, and he has a question.. he wants to know if he uses IP pointing on one of his subdomains using, can he use it as an FTP alias?


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If he is hosting it on his own server, and has a DNS server then he can set it up... You can have and point it to whatever IP you want... But he has to be running his own DNS server, if not then he has to contact his hosting people and ask them if they can set it up for him

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Yes, he can. Set up his subdomain to point to his IP.

I believe that's under "IP Pointing" on MyDomain. If he doesn't see this option, he needs to change service to MyDomain Plus (don't worry it's free -- they just hide some of the more advanced stuff from the mortal users).

Once he has the subdomain pointing at his IP, wait 48 hours or so for it to take effect, then point his browser to while he has his FTP server running and it should work.

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yeah- dns to go will work

i think you specifically need to configure the port- rather than dialing in

it would be

check their faq

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Originally posted by Dark Vageta

cany he use a product called dns2go to point to it ? im useing it and works great

well he wants to use his own domain instead of using anyway.. it worked.. so thanks all! :D

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