Windows leads worldwide WEB OS server market share with 50%

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Windows leads worldwide WEB OS server market share with 50%, Linux has 30%



> Microsoft Windows has a significantly higher share of the web when one counts by computer, rather

> than by host, as in the conventional Web Server Survey. The survey shows 49.6% of the computers

> running the web are Windows based. As some of the 3% of computers not identified by the Netcraft

> operating system detector will in reality be Windows systems, despite some uncertainty due to the

> survey's error margins, it would be fair to say half of public Web Servers world-wide are run on

> Microsoft operating systems. Although Apache runs more sites than Windows, Apache is heavily

> deployed at hosting companies and ISPs who strive to run as many sites as possible on a single

> computer to save costs. Windows is most popular with end-user and self hosted sites, where the host

> to computer ratio is much smaller.


> Linux is the second most commonly used operating system. Linux has been consistently gaining share

> since our analysis started, but interestingly not significantly to Windows detriment. Operating

> systems which have lost share have been Solaris and other proprietary operating systems, and to a

> smaller degree BSD operating systems.


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