Need wk-out routine ideas

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Got a question for workout people;

Going from University student to blue collar Desk job takes it's toll on a young man's metabolism (mainly the change from "no eating" to "gorging") and increases the size of <3-handles and gut size.

As one of the above mentioned fellows, I have taken it upon myself to change my habits and now I turn to the only source that's cynical and stubborn enough to assist me.

Questions follow.

1. When you started working out, was it at home or at a gym/fitness centre? Which did you prefer?

2. Looking for a free-weight guide or a no-weights guide exercise (space is an issue) for toning and weight loss. No machines available to me.

3. I am looking for a 6-month to 1-year intensive program that is designed for fitness focusing on heart strength and fat loss/toning. Lower body not desired as much as upper body.

I would like some opinions that will assist me in choosing a program that's right for me. The Internet has helped me out but it seems to be marketed toward a more female audience and more of a "flash-pan" results-right-now approach.


EDIT: One last thing;

What tricks/gimmicks do you use to motivate yourself on a workout to workout basis?

I am aware that results are not pronounced unless B4/after pix are taken and I would like to learn what kind of "treats" one could use to keep motivated and maintain a program

Edited by Khaz
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