Did We Really Land On The Moon?

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i can tell you that this is faked, the simple fact that that happened at that pinacle moment gives it away

no i am not sure that we (the USA) landed on the moon 100%; however, i am a 100% sure that this is a fake faked moonlanding video

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The evidence lies in the fact that if you point a high powered telescope at the moon, you will be able to locate mirrors left there by the Apollo missions in order to attempt to more accurately measure the speed of light. There is absolutely no real evidence that the US never landed on the moon - only pseudoscience based on the marketable idea that such a claim would spawn thousands of believers (and hence thousands of dollars in the pockets of the CEO's at FOX).

You see, in all this idiotic talk about not landing on the moon, it hasn't come to anyone's attention that if the US faked it - the first ones to realize this and to advertise it would have been the Russians during the cold war. I guess you can chaulk such a novelty up on the same level as the 75% of adult Americans who don't know that the Earth revolves around the sun (not the other way round).

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The evidence lies in the fact that if you point a high powered telescope at the moon, you will be able to locate mirrors left there by the Apollo missions in order to attempt to more accurately measure the speed of light. There is absolutely no real evidence that the US never landed on the moon - only pseudoscience based on the marketable idea that such a claim would spawn thousands of believers (and hence thousands of dollars in the pockets of the CEO's at FOX).

You see, in all this idiotic talk about not landing on the moon, it hasn't come to anyone's attention that if the US faked it - the first ones to realize this and to advertise it would have been the Russians during the cold war. I guess you can chaulk such a novelty up on the same level as the 75% of adult Americans who don't know that the Earth revolves around the sun (not the other way round).

Man that 75% is awful stupid. I learned that in grade school. :D

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if we landed on the moon i think nasa or whoever else would be racing to get things up there it jsut seems slow compared to times when they did race to be the first in space and alalalla. :alien:

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Yeah.. that really looks like a fake... amusing though. Did we land on the moon? Yes (at least I really really think so). Why didn't NASA put more stuff up there? Well.. maybe we are not technolgical advanced yet to start colonizing the moon.. or its too expensive or simply not worth it. I dunno. :alien:

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I understand that this thread was a joke, but I am talking to the people that actually think we landed on the moon.....Of course we landed on the moon, ugh people that say we dont just make me wanna smack em...'WELL IF YOU LOOK AT QUADRANT 24 D U SEE ONLY 3 STARS, ASTROLOGICAL SURVEY 148987DF SAYS THERE SHOULD BE 4!!! WE NEVER LANED ON THE MOON!' ugh....

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very funny clip :D

well, what do you think about this idea: we (humans) landed on the moon, but the cams didn't worked, so a vid was made on earth....

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...I guess you can chaulk such a novelty up on the same level as the 75% of adult Americans who don't know that the Earth revolves around the sun (not the other way round).

Did you know that 76.8% of statistics are made up?

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Did you know that 76.8% of statistics are made up?

Actually that 75% is a bit old - it's now 30% so my apologies. But 30% is still an incredibly high number, and here are some others:

* More than half of all American adults (53%) do not know that the Earth goes around the Sun once a year.

* Nearly half (48%) do not have a sense of what percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by water.

* And 42% can't answer correctly when asked if the earliest humans lived at the same time as dinosaurs.

Nearly 1 in 5 people (19%) couldn't answer any of these questions correctly. Even college graduates did not fare well, just over a third (35%) were able to respond correctly to all three questions.

The poll was conducted by Harris and the NSF, (and was also referenced by Carl Sagan in A Demon Haunted World) here is the link:

Cal. Acadamy of Sciences Results

And here is a page dedicated to dispelling the idea that NASA faked the moon landings:

NASA Faked the Moon Landings

Anyways, enjoy.. I believe that your percentage of statistics is probably correct - when politics is deeply involved (any politician can provide stats to back up his viewpoint - if enough money or corporate taxbreaks are invested).

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One of my buddies did a presentation on this topic for a communications class. Even with all the pictures floating around, that apparently have video camera and studio shadows in them, I still believe that we landed on the moon. It's quite easy to add shadows to pictures.

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The moon landing was fake, the cameras they used had too small buttons to be pressed with a space suit on, and the films of the moon landing show the flag to be moving, but theres no wind to make it move in space, it should of just stayed still.

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The moon landing was fake, the cameras they used had too small buttons to be pressed with a space suit on, and the films of the moon landing show the flag to be moving, but theres no wind to make it move in space, it should of just stayed still.

that was explained by buzz aldrin, when he went to jab the pole into the ground he had to twist the flag to get it in, therefore the material on the flag wrinkled.

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Thats all I have to say. If the landings are fake, disprove every single argument prsented here in a logical, scientific manner. Otherwise, we did land on the moon. If you still don't believe me ask Neil Armstrong.

When the guy writing a book about it being a hoax tried to get buzz aldrin to refute his claims buzz aldrin knocked him out.

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Well, earlier i did believe the US did actually land on the moon, but lately I have been sceptic, for various reasons..one of them being the evidence people provide supporting the hoax, and the few most convincing ones out of them are, the theory of Van allen's radiation belt, and the shadows on moon..and another reason was what corrosive23 just stated. I've watched several documentaries on the hoax and some talk shows and it's quite disappointing, but NASA hasn't been giving straight and clear-cut answers at all against the conspiracy theorists.

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Well, earlier i did believe the US did actually land on the moon, but lately I have been sceptic, for various reasons..one of them being the evidence people provide supporting the hoax, and the few most convincing ones out of them are, the theory of Van allen's radiation belt, and the shadows on moon..and another reason was what corrosive23 just stated. I've watched several documentaries on the hoax and some talk shows and it's quite disappointing, but NASA hasn't been giving straight and clear-cut answers at all against the conspiracy theorists.

Ok I'll give you the benifit of the doubt and assume you were typing your post while I was mine and have not seen it yet, here are some cut n pastes....

Bad: A big staple of the HBs is the claim that radiation in the van Allen Belts and in deep space would have killed the astronauts in minutes. They interview a Russian cosmonaut involved in the USSR Moon program, who says that they were worried about going in to the unknowns of space, and suspected that radiation would have penetrated the hull of the spacecraft.

Good: Kaysing's exact words in the program are ``Any human being traveling through the van Allen belt would have been rendered either extremely ill or actually killed by the radiation within a short time thereof.''

This is complete and utter nonsense. The van Allen belts are regions above the Earth's surface where the Earth's magnetic field has trapped particles of the solar wind. An unprotected man would indeed get a lethal dose of radiation, if he stayed there long enough. Actually, the spaceship traveled through the belts pretty quickly, getting past them in an hour or so. There simply wasn't enough time to get a lethal dose, and, as a matter of fact, the metal hull of the spaceship did indeed block most of the radiation. For a detailed explanation of all this, my fellow Mad Scientist William Wheaton has a page with the technical data about the doses received by the astronauts. Another excellent page about this, that also gives a history of NASA radiation testing, is from the Biomedical Results of Apollo site. An interesting read!

It was also disingenuous of the program to quote the Russian cosmonaut as well. Of course they were worried about radiation before men had gone into the van Allen belts! But tests done by NASA showed that it was possible to not only survive such a passage, but to not even get harmed much by it. It looks to me like another case of convenient editing by the producers of the program.

And your little shadows, this one is so dumb I cant believe any high school grad cant figure it out on their own....

Bad: Another argument by the HBs deals with shadows. Several photos from the Moon are shown where objects on the lunar landscape have long shadows. If the Sun were the only light source, the program claims, the shadows should be parallel. The shadows are not parallel, and therefore the images are fake.

Good: This is an interesting claim on the part of the HBs, because on the surface (haha) it seems to make sense. However, let's assume the shadows are not parallel. One explanation is that there are (at least) two light sources, and that is certainly what many HBs are trying to imply. So if there are multiple light sources, where are the multiple shadows? Each object casts one shadow, so there can only be one light source.

Another explanation is that the light source is close to the objects; then it would also cast non-parallel shadows. However, a distant source can as well! In this case, the Sun really is the only source of light. The shadows are not parallel in the images because of perspective. Remember, you are looking at a three-dimensional scene, projected on a two-dimensional photograph. That causes distortions. When the Sun is low and shadows are long, objects at different distance do indeed appear to cast non-parallel shadows, even here on Earth. An example of that can be found at another debunking site. The scene (near the bottom of the above-linked page) shows objects with non-parallel shadows, distorted by perspective. If seen from above, all the shadows in the Apollo images would indeed look parallel. You can experience this for yourself; go outside on a clear day when the Sun is low in the sky and compare the direction of the shadows of near and far objects. You'll see that they appear to diverge. Here is a major claim of the HBs that you can disprove all by yourself! Don't take my word for it, go out and try!

Incidentally, the bright Earth in the sky will also cast shadows, but those would be very faint compared to the ones made by the Sun. So in a sense there are multiple shadows, but like not being able to see stars, the shadows are too faint to be seen against the very bright lunar surface. Again, you can test this yourself: go outside during full Moon and you'll see your shadow. Then walk over to a streetlamp. The light from the streetlamp will wash out the shadow cast by the Moon. You might still be able to see it faintly, but it would difficult against the much brighter landscape.

Now I know I sound like a snob rubbing this in your face, but really think about what you are saying. That the govt spent countless billions of dollars (which I am sure they spent on Area 51, right?) funding a space program that thousands of people worked on and that it was all a big joke, just so ma and pop america could feel all warm and fuzzy?

The govt wastes crap loads of money and does a lot of really stupid poo-poo, but come on, this claim is moronic.

Go hunt down JFKs real killers, you might actually get somewhere....

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Well, earlier i did believe the US did actually land on the moon, but lately I have been sceptic, for various reasons..one of them being the evidence people provide supporting the hoax, and the few most convincing ones out of them are, the theory of Van allen's radiation belt, and the shadows on moon..and another reason was what corrosive23 just stated. I've watched several documentaries on the hoax and some talk shows and it's quite disappointing, but NASA hasn't been giving straight and clear-cut answers at all against the conspiracy theorists.


seriously..click the link and set aside some time to read it. both the examples you gave of the hoax are explained as well as many other things.

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Kibler, hope you still are keeping in mind that I'm not saying man did not land on the moon, i'm just being sceptic and these are not MY claims by the way.. well, both the sides have been arguing over and over on this issue, and it's almost like a never ending circle, i can't remember what the conspiracy theorist's exact explanations are, but i remember when i watched this documentary regarding this topic, both the sides' just did not have any clear-cut answers. maybe someone with indepth info on the hoax could give you answers to those pastes of yours...what's even more messed up is..nasa said they'd do a fact finding mission to disprove these hoaxes, and recently it was announced they cancled that. Whatever reason they cancled it for i dunno, but i hope they consider bringing it back up.

Spyder: No, but that source just does not look very credible, some of the claims sound smart and sensible, but the others on that site are as if the author had worked for nasa and he knew what and how they exactly prepared for the lunar landing, or the information might have been from somewhere else, but there aren't any good sources the author has mentioned.

I'm trying to look at ths situation from both the angles, I won't just say it's a hoax for the hell of it, and I won't believe it actually happened because i want to also. If it did not happen, i'd indeed be quite disappointed and damned, but if it did happen, i'd be really very happy to know.

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Both sides have not been arguing over this issue, the skeptics have been saying "omg the flag is moving" and nasa says "Hey look, Science you twits!" Just because the skeptics are too stupid to realize how science has PERFECTLY LOGICAL answers for all the claims that skeptics make doesnt mean that its a hoax, that just doesnt make sense.

I am glad nasa didnt bother to "look into" the moon landings as a hoax. The agency has been strapped for cash for decades and it certainly doesnt need to WASTE any of its limited funds rebutting silly claims which any science teacher can clearly explain are FALSE.

All the skeptics have are a bunch of assumptions, and thats all they are! When I show you a site like that which clearly shoots down EVERY claim skeptics make with reasonable, logical science you still dont want to buy it!

Hell, I admit it, when I first saw the FOX show about this I had the same feelings as you. They had all the skeptics arguments and nasa wasnt really saying much. It made me sad because I wanted to hear what nasa had to say, surely they had answers, right? But think about it, if the producers were actually making this show for the good of the people to try to find the truth, they wouldnt have much of a show if they got real scientists to shoot down all the silly claims.

They didnt provide answers because they wanted an intruiging show, simple as that. Sadly it worked and now there are even more poor souls wandering about actually thinking the landings might have been faked.

Needless to say, FOX did not have a SINGLE credited scientist on that show defending the skeptics, I wonder why.....

Please, I beg you, give me ANY argument you have that might prove it was a hoax, I'd love to hear it! Dont worry about trying to back it up with scientific fact because I am quite sure you, or any skeptic, cant! But you can still humor me with any argument you can find and I guess I'll humor you with reasons your assumptions are incorrect.

And what are you talking about answers to the things I posted? THEY ARE THE ANSWERS! You will never find a hoax supporter with an answer for them, because THEY CANT DISPROVE SCIENCE.

I know its incredible to think wow maybe the govt made all this up and thousands of people out there who worked on this project are all holding their tongues just so people will never know it was fake. But its also really dumb to believe that for more than two seconds.

Please, really do provide me with any evidence you think you have that it was fake. I want to prove to you this happened and I will be happy to do the math, provide the science etc to show that your assumptions are incorrect.

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