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Did you know he killed someone or allegedly killed someone during a match.

Khali was going for a flapjack (as scripted) but the guy he was going to do it to thought it was going to be a back body drop, so he held onto Khali's shirt. He landed on his head and died as a result. It wasn't Khali's fault.

I have a lot of episodes to catch on. Didn't see WM yet, only looked at the results as I couldn't wait anymore. I'm back from holiday and downloading them all, expect a Couch Potato frustration release some time this week.

I'll watch the match but with no feelings except the fact that it's ruthless to use Ric Flair's retirement to set them up.

I just saw the Undertaker vs Edge Wrestlemania match and it was awesome. A little too much action (none could have survived that) but I just can't stop loving Taker's new, submission move/finisher. It's great.

DX will probably never reform now both wrestlers have gone their own directions but its nice to hope :p

Just watched ECW and well that was actually probably the first half decent ECW, wonder who that new guy is with Chavo manhandled Kane!

Plus in 2 weeks Obama vs Hilary on Raw :laugh:

DX will never really be that good anymore seeing as both wrestlers a older now which makes it a bit wierd seeing them acting like kids. Also the fact that HBK is now religious so he wouldn't want to do any risky things. And to be honest, i can't the writing team being good enough to pull it off without including c*ck jokes.

That's true but DX was great, it's sad they never really stood long. (Referring to HHH and HBK alone) However, if they could pick on someone else (someone really hated in the WWE and there are some) it would be great. Also the DX at the losing side could also be a long story line.

Ah well, I still see HHH wearing the WWE belt any time soon.

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