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jQuery - add <SPAN> inside each <LI>


OK, here's what I'm trying to do:

1) Find each <LI> within an <OL> or <UL> within a <DIV> with the class "entry"...

2) Wrap the contents of the <LI> with <SPAN> tags...












Maybe I'm going about this wrong, so I will post the high-level overview of what I'm attempting to achieve...

1) I am working on post entries in my wordpress blog

2) The editor just puts content within the <LI> and no way to force it to add the <SPAN> (nor would I want to always remember).

3) The colour of a bullet comes from the colour of the bulletted text

4) So to have a bullet with a different colour, the <SPAN> is necessary.


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I think this does what you want:

$("div.entry ul&gt;li").wrapInner("&lt;span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;");

// This should do it for both types, but I'm not great with jquery selectors...

$("div.entry ul,ol&gt;li").wrapInner("&lt;span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;");

And the same for ol, li - or have I misunderstood?

edit: I just edited it, found the wrapInner method

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