[ANDROID]'s Best Games

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Well, im all aboard Android now, so i thought we should have this thread to discuss Android's best games!

My favorites are:-

*Robo Defense

*Crystal Light


*Tap 'n' Feed

*Zombie, Run! (for long driving trips :p)

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Well, im glad i bought the full version of Crystal Light two days ago :p

It's strange that they would take them off. Both from the same developer...pretty popular games too.

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Well, im glad i bought the full version of Crystal Light two days ago :p

It's strange that they would take them off. Both from the same developer...pretty popular games too.

I can't find it :(

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Robo Defence (although the levels are a tad bit too long)

Gensoid - Sega Emulator

That's all I play :(

Well, im glad i bought the full version of Crystal Light two days ago

Well, make sure you keep a back up of the .apk file, because once it's been removed from the Market, you can't reinstall it if you wipe or uninstall.

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Robo Defence (although the levels are a tad bit too long)

Gensoid - Sega Emulator

That's all I play :(

Well, make sure you keep a back up of the .apk file, because once it's been removed from the Market, you can't reinstall it if you wipe or uninstall.

How do i make a backup of the APK?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 years later...

I wouldn't say that.


Here are my Top Ten for Android - unless specified, they will also run on Android 4.x (or emulators based on 4.x).  Every single one costs a grand total of nit.


1.  Soldiers: Mobile Warfare (Plarium Global) - it got a MINOR raising on the floor (from 4.03 to 4.1) this past week; however, it was announced ahead of time, and the ONLY emulator that got undercut was Nox.

2.  Total Domination: Reborn (Plarium Global) - This was my original introduction to the mobile RTS - and it's still going strong.

3.  Terminator Genisys: Future War (Plarium Global)(5.x or above) - Play as either side of the Future War (yes, you can fight on SkyNet's side) and includes features included in other Plarium games (such as clans).

4.  Bejeweled Blitz (EA/PopCap) The original match-three game has been cloned; however, the original is still the best out there.

5.  Bejeweled Stars (EA/PopCap) Different formula, but the same basic premise of Bejeweled Blitz.

6.  Empires and Allies (Zynga) - Rebooted, and more serious than the original.

7.  War Commander: Rogue Assault (Kixeye)(6.x or above) - How good are IS' lawyers?  I ask because no less than al-Bagdadi appears in this game - as an NPC villain.

8.  Injustice: Gods Among Us (WBE/NetherRealm)(6.x) - When I took a look at this one, I had my doubts about whether mobile gaming could look as good as PC or console gaming - I was wrong.  Very wrong.  The next game in the list is further data.

9.  Injustice 2 (WBE/NetherRealm)(6.x) - as I said about the previous game in the list, it looks as good as a PC or console game; sometimes all you can do is grab that glass of pride and use it to wash down that crow sandwich - feathers and all.

10.  Stormfall: War of Balur (Plarium Global) - Like Total Domination: Reborn, it started on iOS, and like TD:R, it has that Android 4.x floor; still, it's a hack-and-slash RTS, similar in a lot of ways to Clash of Clans - however, its different enough to NOT be a CofC clone.


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  • Brandon H locked this topic

please do not bump excessively old threads. This thread has not been active since 2009.


Feel free to create a new thread if you want similar discussions :)

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