University Tells Student to Alter Religious Views

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your response is good, and now i look at it almost half and half...the university did show some bias i suppose by assuming she have conflicting views. Also, a liberal atheist could be the same thing, however, I still feel though like she must have voiced an option that was extremely controversial that might have caused this issue to even come up.

Also, if she does go out and get fired, it would make that university look bad.

A university doesnt just target a student to fail them. I suspect she did something that caused drama to provoke this.

That may be true, but it may just be that she wasn't shy about her beliefs (aka wore a Christian shirt, had an emblem on her bag, was overheard mentioning it) and someone decided to pounce. There really isn't any information about that here. I do applaud her for not backing down, though--I wonder if this has ever happened before and the student did quietly acquiesce?

Also, yeah... I think if she is able to pass the classes, she should get the degree. She won't get many clients if her beliefs interfere with her job, and it will be her own monetary incentive to change (or at least tone it down), not a university stepping in where it really has no business doing so.

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