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GP & Akali are OP in Dominion FYI

GP is countered with Thornmail, he will kill himself or will be at no health after killing you to do anything else.

Akali is easily countered by having another team member with you, and 1 of you having oracle, which is 250 gold on dominion. Also, which ever build akali is going for, put some armor into that and you can counter her pretty easy.

Dominion leans heavily towards late game champions and as a result it is inherently imbalanced. Games come down to who's got the best late game rather than who's played the best. You could say the first 5-10 minutes of the game really don't matter in Dominion.

Some what it does. But again, knowing what the enemy is doing, and building accordingly will make it much harder for them to push. Everyone just seems to want to build their person how they want, instead of how it is needed. If you keep getting steamrolled by a certain character; look into how you are building yours, and where your character is lacking. Some need another helper with them. But it is about knowing the weaknesses and taking advantage of it, as well as making your weakness less prevalent. It's a team game, and not 1 champ can do it all alone, and if they are, you and your team are doing something wrong.

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It also doesn't help that most of the new items in Dominion are either utility or AD items. There is virtually nothing for pure AP, support or tanking.

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So would a Dota/Moba newb who sucks at these types of games do any better in this Dominion game mode? And will said person (not me! :D) get chewed out horribly by the wonderful LoL community still?

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It's just luck of the draw. Some games you'll get with decent people, others you won't. I usually have bad luck with who I get teamed with though. Although I haven't played in a few months so maybe that's changed? lol

I haven't tried it yet but I think Dominion is a faster paced game and it might not be as newbie friendly. The person in question should play against AI if they are a total noob to learn some characters and builds.

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Ya, If you are new to the game, don't play with others until you have learned the game. They have bot matches you can do so you can learn how to play.

Though, if you need someone to teach you the ins and outs, just hit any of us up.

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My favorites so far on dominion are LeBlanc, Karma (holds her own QUITE well on there) and Kog'Maw. I really like the game mode so far.

For me it goes, Talon(Run around defending), Karth, Vayne and Signed.

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Hmmm I haven't seen a kog on Dominion, I own him though, might give him a try.

Kog is deadly as long as you know how to play him and have some good back up. Due to the smaller lanes, it makes hitting his r much easier, as well as getting them in his cc as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not much for talking here on Neowin huh :p

Anyways, I was pretty mad about the Gunblade nerf that just patched in, but after a few games I see the effect is minor. Champs who abuse them are still pretty strong.


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probably or he might be trolling like this kassadin pictured below who stacked 4 void staffs and bootsdominionwin14.jpg

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Not much for talking here on Neowin huh :p

Anyways, I was pretty mad about the Gunblade nerf that just patched in, but after a few games I see the effect is minor. Champs who abuse them are still pretty strong.

Especially since the alternative build for Akali is just as bad (Rylais, Deathcap, Litch Bane). A little less survivability but a lot more damage output.

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My best game to date. We lost tho because the Xerath guy dipped out early... this really ****es me off. I know you level 30 guys prolly don't see it often, but down here in the lower levels it's all too frequent. I'd have a much better win/lost ratio if it weren't for them.


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My best game to date. We lost tho because the Xerath guy dipped out early... this really ****es me off. I know you level 30 guys prolly don't see it often, but down here in the lower levels it's all too frequent. I'd have a much better win/lost ratio if it weren't for them.

I've had 6 leavers in a row, in level 30 RANKED play. Its common regardless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

it is because people in dominion people mostly like to use ad/dps champion. I'm surprised that you won even though the majority of the enemy team had thornmail.

gg28w.jpgI carried my team to victory in summoner's rift

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What do you all think of the new champ :p??

I bought her lol and the two skins bundle, also bought Graves when he came out :D

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