SQL Server: the Blackcomb filing system

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Posted on maxreboot.com:

Mandark writes "At this point, Microsoft turns the whole NTFS/SQL Server model on its head. Instead of SQL Server using storage file space provided by NTFS, SQL Server itself becomes the base storage engine, and NTFS becomes an API-compatible driver into the store - just like Drive M: today. In other words, the machine boots SQL Server and NTFS is an old compatibility API for those applications that still need to manipulate files through a filing system API.

This is perfectly possible to do. With the final killing-off of real-mode and 16-bit code with the death of Windows 98/ME and the arrival of Windows XP, Microsoft can have any size of boot-strap loader it likes. There is no need for the native store to be NTFS - it could just as easily be SQL Server that starts as the native store, with the NTFS driver coming in as a service. For desktop and laptop users, they might call it MSDE as in the present light-weight SQL Server for those machines.

I have not kept up with Blackcomb and its capabilites. This really looked sweet to me since I think in terms of databases all the time. It seemed like such a logical choice. I wonder why we have not seen this before.

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First thing I'm gonna do when having Blackcomb installed is getting SQL Server Enterprise Edition licenses of my "resources" and install SQL Server Enterprise to boost my disks :D

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