Microsoft today announced that it has begun development on WebVR in its Edge browser. Calling it "the next frontier in web graphics", the company says that it will enable "developers to create a wide range of truly immersive experiences for a variety of devices."
While quite a few companies have launched VR headsets, WebVR is meant to be platform agnostic. You'll be able to watch virtual reality content through the browser, no matter what device or platform you're using.

You can check up on the status of development on the project - as well as others - over at Microsoft's Edge developer site. You can also see the status on other browsers. For example, the feature is in development on Opera, Chrome, and Edge; it's already shipped on Firefox; and it's not supported on Safari or Internet Explorer.
Microsoft didn't clarify whether it's working on bringing WebVR to Windows 10 Mobile as well as PCs. It would make sense, as phones tend to play a key role in delivering VR content, and Windows phone users would love to have a VR solution.
The company also said that it's been working alongside Mozilla, Oculus, Google, and others to advance the W3C WebVR specification. Microsoft says that as the implementation of the technology progresses, it will share more details.
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