NanaZip, a popular fork of the 7zip archiver on Windows, received a new update for the recently launched version 5.0. Update 1 delivers several new features and improvements, such as support for more file formats in read-only mode (asar, ROMFS, ZelFS, WASM, and more), localization improvements for Ukrainian, Hungarian, and other languages, and two bug fixes.
Here is the changelog:
- Introduce the .NET Single File Application bundle readonly support which currently extracting compressed files in the bundle are not supported.
- Introduce the Electron Archive (asar) readonly support.
- Introduce the ROMFS file system image readonly support.
- Introduce the ZealFS file system image readonly support.
- Introduce the WebAssembly (WASM) binary file readonly support.
- Introduce the Work In Progress littlefs file system image readonly support which currently only block information can acquired.
- Update Ukrainian and Russian translation. (Contributed by SlowDancer011.)
- Update Hungarian translation. (Contributed by JohnFowler58.)
- Update packages for maintainer tools.
- Fix the empty folders are excluded issue for the UFS/UFS2 file system image readonly support.
- Fix the unavailable issue when cancelling the extraction for the UFS/UFS2 file system image readonly support.
In addition to NanaZip 5.0 Update 1, the developer released NanaZip 5.1 Preview 0, but its changelog is the same as the one for the stable release.
You can download NanaZip from GitHub or the Microsoft Store. The app is available for free, and it is one of those useful applications we recommend to all Windows 10 and 11 users (you can find even more in our recently published 2025 edition of the "Top 10 apps for Windows users" series). Although Windows 11 has improved archive support, it still cannot match the performance and capabilities of dedicated third-party applications.
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