Ethernet RSS

ISS Upgrades LAN

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Ethernet LANs have been used everywhere from the data center to the home and even the Starbucks around the corner. But space could very well be the final frontier for the technology. On the Columbus...

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Cisco Systems has made several improvements to its Ethernet switches to protect businesses from security threats as well as help them run Internet Protocol telephony more reliably. On Tuesday, the company announced...

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Ethernet Turns Thirty

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Robert M. "Bob" Metcalfe invented the local-area networking standard he called Ethernet on May 22, 1973, at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. Ethernet originally meant a shared media LAN. It is greatly changed today,...

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Riverstone Networks Inc. Monday nudged the per port price of 10 Gigabit Ethernet below the $10,000 level in a bid to accelerate adoption of the high-speed networking technology. "People want pricing in...

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