Homes RSS

Nielsen has found out some very interesting statistics for VCRs and DVDs in American homes. The year 2006 has resulted in 79.2% of all American households having at least one VCR and 81.2% having a...

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US Agents raid p2p homes

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US Attorney General John Ashcroft reported that US agents had raided the homes of 5 people suspected of illegally trading copyrighted material. Agents raided homes in Texas, Wisconsin and New York, and seized computers involved....

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Tiscali is to offer broadband telephony and a video-on-demand service to its residential customers across Europe. Broadband telephony using Voice over IP (VoIP) technology allows users to make calls over the internet, bypassing...

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Smart homes on trial

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In the future, you may never have to worry about forgetting to switch off the lights or locking the front door when you leave home. You could soon be able to do...

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Consumer electronics company Sonicblue has unveiled a high-end home-entertainment hub that can store an entire music collection. At about US$1,500, Sonicblue's Rio Advanced Digital Audio Center is designed to become the centerpiece of a...

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