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Tree Size Professional 5.0

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TreeSize Professional is a powerful and flexible harddisk space manager for Windows 200X/XP/Vista. Find out which folders are the largest on your drives and recover megabytes on your disks. TreeSize Professional shows you the size,...

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First Google pulled their stunt with a constant increasing maximum space for Gmail accounts. Then Yahoo countered with unlimited space. Right away, I said the web e-mail war would turn to attachment size. Now, it...

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Intel have announced a new technology allowing them to reduce the size of their transistors by up to 30%. Industry analysts had been forecasting a major technological barrier for Intel in the not too distant...

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The Inquirer is reporting that later this year a major update to Sony's popular memory format "mini-disk" will be released. This new version will give up to 40 hrs of capacity,a huge increase...

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Dell Computer has introduced a new 20-inch flat-panel monitor, the first of its size to be offered by the PC maker. The Dell 2000FP is now available to U.S. customers for $1,399 when ordered with...

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