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Introducing the Wall Jack PC

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We know you all want a wall-socket PC right? Who wouldn't? This little guy has been in development for about a year now. The "Jack PC" is a low to medium power PC. The...

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When it comes to adopting leading-edge technology, Wall Street is among the first in line, despite the fact that other people's money depends on the street. These days, Wall Street is moving on service-oriented architectures...

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PalmSource is turning over a new leaf for handwriting recognition, replacing its idiosyncratic software amid a growth in popularity for keyboards in the handheld industry and amid a continuing patent battle with Xerox. ...

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Premiership Wall Chart

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I got an email from those great guys over at fibonacci.co.uk, so take it away guys...Remember the World Cup Wall Chart? Since Brazil lifted the cup, we've been working on a new Wall...

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The World Cup Wall Chart, designed and developed by Fibonacci Ltd, is an electronic version of the traditional fill-in wall chart for the 2002 World Cup Tournament. As well as keeping track of scores...

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A technical glitch is preventing some people who use Microsoft's Windows XP operating system from connecting to America Online's high-speed cable service, an AOL spokesman said Thursday. The glitch has affected...

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