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4X strategy game Endless Legend is free to claim on Steam for a week

Endless Legend

There is a fresh freebie available to claim right now on Steam, and it's coming from Sega's coffers. Strategy game fans now have the opportunity to grab a free copy of Endless Legend, taking away the usual $29.99 price tag entirely for PC gamers.

This is a turn-based strategy experience set in a fantasy realm following the 4X rules of Explore, Expand, Exploit, and Exterminate. Endless Legend offers eight civilizations to take control of and attempt to take over this world. Like other games in this genre, there are cities to build, technologies to research, other factions to deal with (violently or not), and lands to rule over.

Here's how the developer Amplitude Studios sets the stage for this fantasy setting:

Another sunrise, another day of toil. Food must be grown, industries built, science and magic advanced, and wealth collected. Urgency drives these simple efforts, however, for your planet holds a history of unexplained apocalypse, and the winter you just survived was the worst on record. A fact that has also been true for the previous five. As you discover the lost secrets of your world and the mysteries of the legends and ruins that exist as much in reality as in rumor, you will come to see that you are not alone. Other peoples also struggle to survive, to grow, and perhaps even to conquer.

Endless Legend

On Steam, the 2014-released title currently has 84% positive reviews with a "Very Positive" rating attached to it. While not part of the free promotion, all the gameplay-related DLC for the title are currently heavily discounted (up to 80% off) as well. While optional, these add new gameplay systems, heroes, quests, and other elements. The studio's other games like Humankind, Endless Dungeon, Endless Space 2, and Dungeon of the Endless are currently on sale on Steam too.

Amplitude Studios' Endless Legend giveaway on Steam will last until 10AM PT on May 23, giving you a whole week to add it permanently to your library.

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