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In a move to bolster it's media and entertainment division, Yahoo! Inc. has hired Lloyd Braun, a former ABC television programmer. Mr. Braun's primary objective is to convince movie, TV and music companies to distribute...

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Microsoft has snatched up one of the open source communities favorite programmers Jim Hugunin. The very man responsible for creating Jpython/Jython is now working with Microsoft. Despite what some people believe this isn't...

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Wyatt Wasicek was so outraged by the recording industry's legal assault on users of free music-downloading sites that he decided to ride to the rescue. He created a program called AnonX that masks the Internet...

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Programmer denies copyright violations A Russian software programmer and his Moscow-based employer have pleaded not guilty of violating a controversial US copyright law. Dmitry Sklyarov and the Elcomsoft company are charged with...

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