AdBlock launches campaign to fund ads aimed to get rid of ads

Since the crowd sourced fund raising trend on the Internet started a few years ago, we have seen many different campaigns that were meant to help launch a number of products, both big and small. Now a new campaign has started with the goal of funding a promotional ad campaign that, ironically, will be used to show off a way to get rid of Internet ads.

The campaign is being launched by AdBlock, which had made add-ons for Chrome and Safari that are designed to block banner ads from being seen by users of those web browsers. The campaign page itself says flat out, "We"re going to use ads to get rid of ads."

The goal is to raid $25,000 and, as of this writing, it has already raised over well half that amount with 28 days to go in their campaign. How will the money be spent? AdBlock says:

We will use the money raised to make AdBlock banner ads and video commercials, and we will show these across the internet to people who don"t have AdBlock. If we raise enough, we will implement our craziest advertising ideas and capture the whole world"s imagination.

The campaign has stretch goals that will include putting up a billboard in Times Square if it raises $50,000, a full page ad in the New York Times if it reaches $150,000 and a TV commercial during the next Super Bowl if the campaign gets to the ambitious $4.2 million stretch goal. Keep in mind that this campaign is for the AdBlock software. AdBlock Plus, which recently launched a version for Internet Explorer, is not associated with AdBlock.

Most websites still depend on banner ads to keep the news posts and forums going, including Neowin. If you use ad blocking software but still wish to support us, you can either whitelist Neowin or check out our subscription options that hide all of our advertisements natively.

Source: Adblock | See: Neowin Subscriptions to remove advertisements

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