An analysis of Intel's response to AMD's antitrust complaint

The Tech Report have posted an interesting 3 page article that examines the antitrust complaint filed by AMD against Intel.

In a world governed by marketeer dominance, it will be interesting to see how this develops and if it affects the consumers and pricing in the long run.

"On September 1st, Intel filed its own response to AMD"s complaint. Intel"s response is, for the most part, a pro forma legal statement of denial. The only claims Intel admits to are perfunctory factual ones. Intel admits, for example, that AMD launched the Opteron in 2003, but denies the interpretive meaning AMD claims for that processor launch, strenuously denies that AMD is now in a position of technological leadership, and denies that it copied the x86-64 extension set."

View: The full article @ The Tech Report

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