BitTorrent Torque set to revolutionize file sharing over browsers

Since 2001, BitTorrent has led to around 70 percent of the Internet traffic around the world, and with the introduction of BitTorrent Torque, the BitTorrent experience is now coming to the PC browser.

BitTorrent Torque will be an open source JavaScript interface for developers and users, where they will be able to integrate the power of BitTorrent into the browser. Using just a few line of codes the web developers could develop powerful applications for file sharing.

Now at the Torque labs, BitTorrent is showcasing some of the possible applications like Paddle Over and OneClick amongst others. The OneClick Chrome plug-in converts your torrent downloads into casual browser downloads and by using the Paddle Over you can share files from one PC to another. It also integrates social sharing and networking tools.

You can visit the Torque Labs for a glimpse of what BitTorrent is developing under the hood.

Source: BitTorrent Blog

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