
Chocolatey is the Alternative Windows Store for the thousands of programs and tools that are not able to be part of the Windows Store. Do you hate finding the right downloads? Do you spend hours getting your apps on a fresh install of Windows? Do you spend fruitless amounts of time checking for updates that make apps more secure? Chocolatey sweetens your Windows software management experience by automating away hours of work!

Chocolatey is something you need if you"ve ever installed, upgraded, or removed software on Windows. Chocolatey was designed to be a decentralized framework for quickly installing applications and tools that you need. Chocolatey is a tool that automates all the mundane getting and installing software work for you. You just select what you want installed and within a few minutes, Chocolatey has downloaded and installed (or upgraded) that software without need for further input from you. So while Chocolatey does the hard work, you can go get some coffee. Or sleep. Or do other more important things.

Compared to similar solutions like Ninite, Chocolatey comes with 600% more packages and a community that is driving to continually make it better. If you need to get to older versions of packages, many of the packages on allow for this.

To get started, there"s no need to download anything, just open an administrative cmd.exe command prompt and paste the text from below and press enter:

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(""))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

Once Chocolatey installed, you can install a package using a very simple command, for example:

choco install opera
choco install palemoon
choco install skype
choco install googlechrome

View: Chocolatey Website | Chocolatey 0.9.9.x.x Release Notes

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