Clinton Defends Net Neutrality Position

Sen. Hillary Clinton"s campaign said Nov. 15 her long silence on network neutrality should not be interpreted as waning support for the idea of mandating that broadband providers treat all network use in a nondiscriminatory manner. Two weeks before announcing her presidential campaign in January, Clinton, along with Sen. Barack Obama, signed on as original co-sponsors of legislation that would make network neutrality the law of the land.

Since the campaign began, though, Clinton hasn"t mentioned network neutrality, despite having issued a nine-point technology plan. In October, she announced an Internet strategy, also without a reference to network neutrality. "Hillary Clinton has been and continues to be a strong supporter of net neutrality," Jin Chon, a spokesperson for the Clinton campaign, told eWEEK. Chon also said Clinton told the YearlyKos convention in August that she will "make sure that the architecture of the Internet stays open."

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