Dude! I got a ...

Living in the UK? Tried to purchase a Dell system recently? That"s precisely what one reader is attempting to do at the moment.

A reader wishing to remain anonymous has written to us to complain about the appalling sales team at Dell UK. Dell outsourced all of its retail UK sales team to Bangalore, India sometime ago in a move to cut costs. Occasionally this works but when customers and potential customers get left for days without an answer, get sent the wrong contracts and then eventually receive the wrong goods; you have to ask yourself if it"s working.

Dell CIO Randy Mott admitted in April that outsourcing in the US was a bad mistake but made it clear Dell had "learnt its lesson". Clearly Dell isn"t "learning" anything over here in the UK. A quick call to the UK sales line greets you with a friendly British Dell voicemail. You"re asked to choose an option and within seconds you"re ringing out to Bangalore, India. If you"re lucky you"ll get a sales person who knows what they"re selling you, understands English fully and you"ll be a happy Dell customer. If you"re in the majority and get a grumpy, underpaid and confused Bangalore sales worker then don"t even mention a special offer or additional accessory.

Our potential Dell customer is angry about the problems of just ordering his Dell system. He has been left for 5 days whilst Dell were running a credit check, which was promised to take no less than 24hrs. The customer has now been sent the wrong contract for a buy now pay later deal and after numerous calls to the sales team they"re now working within a 48hr gap to correct the contract. We attempted to contact Dell and are awaiting a response from them about their outsourcing problem and this specific customers issue.

If you"re currently experiencing a Dell horror story or have experienced this in the UK/US with Dell or a similar company we"d like to hear from you. Please leave a comment in the story.

View: Dell UK

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