E3: Xbox 360 game round-up

Microsoft"s Xbox 360 E3 kicked off today with a couple of new games coming soon.  Microsoft showed off demos for some next generation games coming later in this year and next.

Call of Duty: Black-Ops
Produced by Treyarch, the Call of Duty series will take you into special covert-ops missions.  The demo showed off gameplay in a jungle where you are crawling through tunnels and killing enemies on the field.  The game also showed off flyable helicopters in the single player campaign.  Microsoft announced that Xbox 360 will also be the first to get map packs for the Call of Duty series, ahead of the PlayStation 3 and PC, from 2010 - 2012.

Call of Duty: Black-ops is scheduled to release this November.

Metal Gear Sold: Rising
What was once an exclusive to the PlayStation 3, will now also be made for the Xbox 360.  The gameplay allowed you to slice through just about any object on the screen, including cars, boxes, and even watermelons.

Gears of War 3
An exclusive to Xbox 360, Gears of War 3 continues to follow the story of Marcus.  Gears of War 3 is said to support a four-player co-op mode, as well as an online multiplayer mode.  The demo of the game showed off the same style of gameplay, with the same style of ducking behind objects while fighting the Locust.

Gears of War 3 is expected to release in April of next year.

Fable III
Fable will continue it"s story in the third installment of the series.  The brand new story will take you on all new adventures in an all new environment.  Fable III will be an Xbox 360 / PC exclusive.

Fable III is expected to launch later this year.

Halo Reach
Microsoft showed off gameplay footage for the next version of Halo, dubbed Halo Reach.  Halo will take on a new story from the Halo series.  The Halo Reach demo showed off the same first person shooting mode, but now with a phase into third-person when killing enemies with your knife.

Halo Reach also showed off some new outer space gameplay, taking Halo in a new direction of being able to fly ships in deep space.  Halo Reach will be an Xbox 360 exclusive.

Halo Reach is scheduled to release in September of this year.

All images credit: ign.com

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