Facebook reaches 750,000,000 users

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg confirmed today that Facebook has gained its 750,000,000th member. He also stated that the number is "growing exponentially", and that it could pass one billion soon. The service famously reached 500,000,000 users almost a year ago, and the event was used in order to promote the film based on the creation of Facebook; entitled The Social Network. The tagline for the film poster read "You don"t make it to 500 million friends without making a few enemies". The "enemies" spoken of in the tagline no doubt referred to the Winkelvoss twins, who filed lawsuits against the service and claimed that Zuckerberg had stolen their idea.

Interestingly, the service defines an "active user" as someone who has logged into the service within the past 30 days. Therefore, the service has more than 750 million users. Assuming the earth"s population is precisely 6,000,000,000 people this would mean that one in eight people on the planet have used the website within the past month. Perhaps more shockingly still, is the fact that Twitter receives 200 million tweets daily - meaning more people use a service than tweets are sent. Keeping in mind that one person is limited to a thousand tweets per day, it shows that Facebook usage is incredibly high. Estimates suggest that the world"s biggest social network could be worth over $100 billion.

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