HP Technology Forum & Expo pre-show tour

As we reported last week, we"re in Las Vegas, Nevada this week covering the HP Technology Forum & Expo. While the show doesn"t officially kick off until later this afternoon, we were able to get some behind the scenes footage and interviews with some of the folks who are responsible for putting the show together (huge thanks to the HP TSG group & our friends at Buzz Corps/Ivy Worldwide for arranging this for us). We know that many of you don"t get the opportunity to attend a lot of these industry events, and it may never occur to you just what is involved with putting something like this together. So since you can"t be here, we"ve got a couple of videos that highlight some of the pre-show work going on.

The first video we have is some pre-show setup going on out on the show floor, just to give everyone a taste of what it"s like getting things put together and setting up displays and booths for a show like this. We were guided through the show floor by Elizabeth Gillan and Becca Taylor of the HP TSG group, and we stopped to speak with a few folks who we could pull away from their busy setup, including Brad Mayes from the HP Blades group, who you may recognize from some of our earlier coverage of HP events..

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The second video is a behind the scenes tour of the work that"s being done in preparation for this afternoons Keynote event. We were guided through the backstage areas, on stage, and front of house controls by Dave Lawson of Staging Solutions. Dave explained how everything is staged, processed, and comes together to present a large scale show.

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Stay tuned for more news and video from the keynote and the show floor!

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