In Windows 10 1903, error messages in setup will offer solutions instead of just problems

Everyone hates getting error messages in Windows. They"re annoying and confusing. You might get an error code, a Knowledge Base number, or you might get no information at all, with a simple message that says "something went wrong". Microsoft is working to make the experience better, at least in the setup process.

The idea is not everyone knows what a KB is, or where they would go to find the relevant information that they need. With Windows 10 version 1903 (via Ars Technica), the OS will offer an actual solution, rather than just where you can go to find out the problem.

As you can see, it"s a lot more user-friendly. It will also actually provide solutions and help the user to uninstall applications. This is much simpler for the user, who would have previously had to seek out information about the error online, and then remove the apps manually.

Windows 10 version 1903 is expected to be finalized in March, as the version number indicates. Those that aren"t on the Windows Insider Program will likely have the opportunity to upgrade in the following month.

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