ISPs Striking Out on Multistaged Attacks

A new position paper issued by anti-spam expert company Cloudmark calls out ISPs and other service providers such as e-mail vendors for failing to do more to protect their customers from multifaceted attacks that combine various techniques to reach and exploit users. As many other security pundits have noted, e-mail users remain in the crosshairs of many different types of attackers, from botnet herders to identity thieves, at least in part because ISPs and e-mail specialists aren"t sufficiently connecting the dots to head off complex threats that use multiple angles to dupe users into falling for their bait.

For its part, Cloudmark points to the use of traditional anti-virus solutions by service providers as one of the most significant factors in allowing these problems to continue to scale up. Of course, the company does have something to gain from taking this position, as it offers Postini-like in-the-cloud filtering services that promise to address these challenges.

View: The full story @ eWeek

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