Mastering Kubernetes - Fourth Edition (worth $43.99) FREE download

Claim your complimentary eBook (worth $43.99) before the offer expires tomorrow on Nov 7.

The fourth edition of the bestseller Mastering Kubernetes includes the most recent tools and code to enable you to learn the latest features of Kubernetes 1.25.

This book contains a thorough exploration of complex concepts and best practices to help you master the skills of designing and deploying large-scale distributed systems on Kubernetes clusters.

You’ll learn how to run complex stateless and stateful microservices on Kubernetes, including advanced features such as horizontal pod autoscaling, rolling updates, resource quotas, and persistent storage backends.

In addition, you’ll understand how to utilize serverless computing and service meshes. Further, two new chapters have been added. “Governing Kubernetes” covers the problem of policy management, how admission control addresses it, and how policy engines provide a powerful governance solution.

“Running Kubernetes in Production” shows you what it takes to run Kubernetes at scale across multiple cloud providers, multiple geographical regions, and multiple clusters, and it also explains how to handle topics such as upgrades, capacity planning, dealing with cloud provider limits/quotas, and cost management.

By the end of this Kubernetes book, you’ll have a strong understanding of, and hands-on experience with, a wide range of Kubernetes capabilities.

This free offer expires November 7.

How to get it

Please ensure you read the terms and conditions to claim this offer. Complete and verifiable information is required in order to receive this free offer. If you have previously made use of these free offers, you will not need to re-register. While supplies last!

Mastering Kubernetes - Fourth Edition ($43.99 Value) FREE download
Offered by Packt Publishing, view their other free resources. Expires Nov 7.

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