PE Explorer 1.81

Thanks Yuri Rai for emailing us. Whether you"re an advanced computer user just wondered what makes an executable file tick, or software developer suffered from hard-to-find program bugs, PE Explorer is the software solution that will make it easy to find the answers. With PE Explorer you can view, edit and repair the internal structures of PE files with the click of a button.

PE Explorer gives the power to look inside binary files such as Windows EXEs, DLLs, OCXs and more. It comes equipped with easy-to-use tools such an XP Manifest Wizard, Dependency Scanner, Visual Resource Editor, and more

    Release Highlights for PE Explorer v1.81:
  • PNG files can now be displayed and replaced.
  • Reported bugs fixed

Download: PE Explorer 1.81 (30 Days Trial, $99 USD)

Screenshot: PE Explorer 1.81

View: Complete product overview and features

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