Revenge porn is now punishable by up to two years imprisonment in the U.K.

In October 2014, the United Kingdom started drafting the "revenge porn" law in order to protect those that have experienced unauthorized distribution of their personal explicit images. After nearly six months, revenge porn has been made a criminal offense that will be punishable under U.K. law.

Starting April 13th, 2015, those distributing revenge porn will now be punished by law. While a majority of revenge porn incidents occur online, the law will also guard against distribution of physical photos in person. If found guilty of distributing revenge porn, the crime is now punishable with up to two years imprisonment.

While two years may seem like a severe punishment, it is nowhere near the punishment Kevin Bollaert received for operating a revenge porn website in the United States. While the laws governing "revenge porn" are still in their infant state, there is no doubt these laws will become more common in other countries as social media continues to become a dominant part of global culture.

Source: Digital Spy | computer porn image via Shutterstock

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