Windows XP Service Pack 3 RC2 improves networking

Although news of this release is already a couple of days old, new features in Service Pack 3 RC2 for Windows XP that users can expect from this package includes: stronger networking protocols with black hole router detection, and Network Access Protection, with Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) that was provided for in Windows Vista. But as this isn"t a final version, if your system has been stable and running fine, I would suggest you not to upgrade for a while and let the bugs and kinks be fully worked out. Take my word for it; it"ll definitely be worth the wait.

Service Pack 3 adds several networking and security improvements, and compatibility with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 security credential providers. It also incorporates features previously available individually as separate updates, such as Micorsoft Windows Imaging Component (WIC), Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0, and Wi-Fi Protected Access 2. To view a full list of the new features available in this pack, click here. You can also download Windows XP Service Pack 3 Release Candidate 2 via Windows Update. Previous release candidates of SP3 must be removed before making the update.

Download it via: Windows Update

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