BLOPS 3 Beta: Steam reviews

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It seems players aren't happy with what they see so far:

User reviews:    Mostly Negative (5,070 reviews)




Perhaps best sums up players' feelings:



Anyone else playing it? Does it suck? Is it technical or gameplay issues which are pissing people off?


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I played it for all 20 mins and tbh for PC - its no better graphically than what I played on the PS4. I dont know exactly what they are not happy about (some detail would be nice) but for a CoD game, it's very samey. 
Its good that the multiplayer is the same - thats what attracts people to buy the game every year, but its bad too because they insist on making it set it in the future, which I think is what they are complaining about.
My review of the multiplayer: If you want a game that hasnt changed at all since Modern Warfare 2, then get it.

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I decided to download it after all and it seemed to run okay with all settings on max. That being said even with maxed out graphics the game looks like it's already 3 or 4 years old.

Other than that...? It's the same tired game play we've seen for the last however many years now. Only now you can double jump and wallrun. So innovative.

Steam says I played for 86 minutes. I'll be surprised if that play time goes over 90 minutes.

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