Darkling by The Skins Factory

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Requirements: Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition, Windows XP & Windows Media Player 9 Series.

Description: Available only when you buy the new Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition. Microsoft chose The Skins Factory to create, for the first time ever, skins for their brand new media application, Plus! Party Mode for Windows Media Player.

This is an UPDATE. If you've purchased DME you can download this version which allows the user to toggle the visualization screen on or off.

About Plus! Party Mode for Windows Media Player: Party mode is the ultimate media application for those of you who want to enjoy all your media files but not allow people access to your computer files. All you have to do is turn on the privacy option and your computer files are secure while your guests can enjoy themselves and you don't have to worry.

Final skins are fullscreen sized ranging from 800 x 600 to 1600 x 1200 pixel resolutions.

Buy Microsoft Plus! Digital Media Edition

DOWNLOAD: Darkling V.2.0

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