ObjectBar 2.0

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ObjectBar 2.0 is finally complete. Stardock will be releasing ObjectBar 2.0 on September 12th. So what is ObjectBar and what has taken so long to go from 1.6 to 2.0?

What is ObjectBar

ObjectBar is essentially a GUI construction kit. With it, users can create their own alternative interfaces of Windows XP (and soon Windows Vista). After all, Apple and Microsoft aren't the only ones with ideas on how the desktop interface should be done.

ObjectBar can pretty much emulate virtually any existing desktop interface out there as well as add new twists to them or enable users to create their own. Creations can be exported as actual programs that others can use (or the bar theme itself can be exported for those who want to trade and modify each other's designs).

ObjectBar: Two groups of users

ObjectBar content is much more involved than what is the norm in skinning. ObjectBar content can be split up in two pieces: The actual bar theme and then the skin for the bar. One could imagine the Windows Sidebar in Windows Vista or the Start Bar or the Mac finder as being examples of bar themes. But beyond that, those themes can also be skinned independently.

ObjectBar skins are best when designed for the bar in question but ObjectBar can also automatically inherit your WindowBlinds skin. The bar themes themselves are very customizeable. If the person who creates the bar theme exports it as an EXE, the user of the EXE (as long as they have ObjectBar installed) can use that bar theme as a stand alone program with a much simplified interface for adding content and tweaking what's there. It's powerful and yet simple.


(Article continued at WinCustomize.com)

This looks like it's going to be really sweet! ;)

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Wow, this makes me think of the bad old days when I used to emulate OS X hehehe

HAHAHA! Me too. I used to want to emulate OS X so badly!! I went through all of the Finder-clones. lol Most of them sucked and were bulky...and slow.

I liked how ObjectBar emulated (with an "ok" success) OS X's Finder bar. But I have a Mac now so I'm much happier. LOL!

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