Website causes BSOD in IE and FFx

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A 'friend' of mine sent me to a link which made XP give me a BSOD.

I thought it must have been using some crazy code or something, but it appears to be just a simple image stretched to large proportions which causes the crash.

No problems under any other O/S, and I'm fully up to date with patches on XP SP2.

Displaying the image alone at normal sizes doesn't cause the crash, so I can only assume it's a bug in XP's image resizing code or something...(also my bluescreen mentioned graphic drivers)

Has anybody ever heard of this before?


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i used Deer Park alpha and it did crash my pc, but the BSOD looks a bit weird, it looks just like a picture and it has a mouse cursor on which doesnt actually move.....weird!

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it jsut made my computer freeze (like it does alot!) and not be able to move the mouse etc. except hte numlock key still worked... weird

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I've got my comp set to reboot on serious error...and it did so :|  Bastids :p


my computer also restarted, and it takes my computer like 2 minutes to boot :crazy: so i just made a sandwich and decided from now on not to click links that are made to crash your computer.

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It's pretty scary stuff! Let's hope it's not a major fault in some underlying subsystem...

PS. Posting from the coffeeshop in Amsterdam! It's a beautiful day here :D

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wow thats scary that a script as simple as

    <IMG SRC="./imagecrash.jpg" width="9999999" height="9999999">

can crash an xp sp2 system fully up to date by going to the website, ah well opera just loaded it fine :)

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do you actually need an image there? Or will it just reserve that space for the image. You know what I mean?


Yeah, you need it. I took that code there and made an html page from it, opened it and nothing happened. So it's the loading of the image that causes the crash (probably due to its size.)

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