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Formatting a listview item


Hey people!

I have pulled information from an access table into a listview item within Visual Basic 2010. It displays all the information, field by field how I want it...however one of the fields has a lot of text. It stops after the specified lenght with ... suggesting there is more text that doesn't fit. I have used "-2" to make it longer, but then it's too long. Also scrolling wouldn't be very nice.

I'd like it to display the information from the field on two lines, but I can't figure it out. Here's my existing text (without the dims as I've made it flat at the moment)

objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
dbasename = "D:\technicianmanagement.MDB"
tblname = "FaultCalls"
objConnection.Open("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " & dbasename)
objRecordset.Open("SELECT * FROM " & tblname & " ORDER BY DATEREP DESC, TIMEREP DESC", objConnection, adOpenStatic, _

lvref.View = View.Details
lvref.Columns.Add("Ref", 40, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("User", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Asset", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Fault", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Assigned", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Date", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Time", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Email", 40, HorizontalAlignment.Left)

Do While Not objRecordset.EOF

MyListText(0) = sID
MyListText(1) = sUser
MyListText(2) = sAsset
MyListText(3) = sFault
MyListText(4) = sAssigned
MyListText(5) = sDate
MyListText(6) = sTime
If sEmail = True Then MyListText(7) = "Yes" Else MyListText(7) = "No"
MyListItem = New ListViewItem(MyListText)

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9 answers to this question

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The problem is that the included listview control does not support multiple lines. (sorry) The general view is that the user will expand the column so that they can see the entire text.

I did a quick search and there are comments about 3rd party controls that allow multi line, but this is an unstandard pattern so be aware.

Sorry I can't give you the answer you wanted. I would really rethink the amount of data that you are showing.

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Hey people!

I have pulled information from an access table into a listview item within Visual Basic 2010. It displays all the information, field by field how I want it...however one of the fields has a lot of text. It stops after the specified lenght with ... suggesting there is more text that doesn't fit. I have used "-2" to make it longer, but then it's too long. Also scrolling wouldn't be very nice.

I'd like it to display the information from the field on two lines, but I can't figure it out. Here's my existing text (without the dims as I've made it flat at the moment)

objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
dbasename = "D:\technicianmanagement.MDB"
tblname = "FaultCalls"
objConnection.Open("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " & dbasename)
objRecordset.Open("SELECT * FROM " & tblname & " ORDER BY DATEREP DESC, TIMEREP DESC", objConnection, adOpenStatic, _

lvref.View = View.Details
lvref.Columns.Add("Ref", 40, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("User", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Asset", 100, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Fault", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Assigned", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Date", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Time", 75, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
lvref.Columns.Add("Email", 40, HorizontalAlignment.Left)

Do While Not objRecordset.EOF

MyListText(0) = sID
MyListText(1) = sUser
MyListText(2) = sAsset
MyListText(3) = sFault
MyListText(4) = sAssigned
MyListText(5) = sDate
MyListText(6) = sTime
If sEmail = True Then MyListText(7) = "Yes" Else MyListText(7) = "No"
MyListItem = New ListViewItem(MyListText)

Not sure why you dont use DataGridView.

you can do DataGridView.Columns.Add([font=monospace]"Ref") [/font]DataGridView.Columns.Add([font=monospace]"User") [/font]DataGridView.Columns.Add([font=monospace]"Asset")[/font] etc.

[font=monospace]and then for the items you can do DataGridView.Rows.Add([/font]sID, sUser, sAsset, ...)

p.s. my VB.NET skills are rusty as I've been doing C# for a while now so ignore semicolons where not required ;p

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objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
dbasename = "D:\technicianmanagement.MDB"
tblname = "FaultCalls"
objConnection.Open("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " & dbasename)
objRecordset.Open("SELECT * FROM " & tblname & " ORDER BY DATEREP DESC, TIMEREP DESC", objConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic)

DataGridView1.Columns.Add("Ref", "Ref")
DataGridView1.Columns.Add("User", "User")
DataGridView1.Columns.Add("Asset", "Asset")
DataGridView1.Columns.Add("Fault", "Fault")
DataGridView1.Columns.Add("Assigned", "Assigned")
DataGridView1.Columns.Add("Date", "Date")
DataGridView1.Columns.Add("Time", "Time")
DataGridView1.Columns.Add("Email", "Email")

' Makes the form stretch to show all the columns that are visible.
Me.Width = DataGridView1.Columns.GetColumnsWidth(DataGridViewElementStates.Visible) + 60

' Clear all current rows of data.

Do While Not objRecordset.EOF
' You would probably want to do something like this... I put an in-line if statement to shrink the amount of code needed.
' The first parameter if If() is the expression, second is what to do if it is true and the third is what to do if it is false.
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(sID, sUser, sAsset, sFault, sAssigned, sDate, sTime, If(sEmail, "Yes", "No"))

That should help you along.

Or... for more column size control etc.

objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
dbasename = "D:\technicianmanagement.MDB"
tblname = "FaultCalls"
objConnection.Open("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source = " & dbasename)
objRecordset.Open("SELECT * FROM " & tblname & " ORDER BY DATEREP DESC, TIMEREP DESC", objConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic)


Dim DGVC(7) As DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DGVC(0) = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DGVC(0).HeaderText = "Ref"
DGVC(0).Name = "Ref"
DGVC(0).Width = 40
DGVC(1) = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DGVC(1).HeaderText = "User"
DGVC(1).Name = "User"
DGVC(1).Width = 75
DGVC(2) = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DGVC(2).HeaderText = "Asset"
DGVC(2).Name = "Asset"
DGVC(2).Width = 100
DGVC(3) = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DGVC(3).HeaderText = "Fault"
DGVC(3).Name = "Fault"
DGVC(3).Width = 140
DGVC(4) = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DGVC(4).HeaderText = "Assigned"
DGVC(4).Name = "Assigned"
DGVC(4).Width = 75
DGVC(5) = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DGVC(5).HeaderText = "Date"
DGVC(5).Name = "Date"
DGVC(5).Width = 50
DGVC(6) = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DGVC(6).HeaderText = "Time"
DGVC(6).Name = "Time"
DGVC(6).Width = 75
DGVC(7) = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
DGVC(7).HeaderText = "Email"
DGVC(7).Name = "Email"
DGVC(7).Width = 40

' Makes the form stretch to show all the columns that are visible.
Me.Width = DataGridView1.Columns.GetColumnsWidth(DataGridViewElementStates.Visible) + 60

' Clear all current rows of data.

Do While Not objRecordset.EOF
' You would probably want to do something like this... I put an in-line if statement to shrink the amount of code needed.
' The first parameter if If() is the expression, second is what to do if it is true and the third is what to do if it is false.
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(sID, sUser, sAsset, sFault, sAssigned, sDate, sTime, If(sEmail, "Yes", "No"))


Edited by FuhrerDarqueSyde
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I decided against a DataGraidView for asthetics.

I found this command:


This resizes the field how I want, but again its too long. :(

Also, thanks for the help. I have added a datagridview for testing and comparison. Is there either way to make the datagridview or listview grow/shrink but keep ratios and autosize if the user resizes the form?

So if I resize the form, the text will go onto new lines, rather than the user having to use the scroll bar to view obscured text.

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Auto-Resizing: Me.DataGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells

Wrapping: Me.DataGridView1.RowsDefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True


(Also, you say you've gone against the DGV for Aesthetics... you can style them to look identical to a list view if you so wished... but imo you can make them look an awful lot better too!)

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That's worked on some, but not all cells.

Is there any way to get it working for the rows too?

I have tried:

Me.dgvfaults.AutoResizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.AllCells[/CODE]

But that didn't work, as it says "'AutoResizeRowsMode' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView'"

Attached is what it looks like at the moment, but I'd like it so that it will resize with the form. Meaning it'll add extra lines if needed and shove the teext down.


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Try overriding the ondrawlistitem event... not sure how to do it in VB.NET, if you want I'll try to write a sample...

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After the loop can't you just do.

lvref.Columns(3).Width = -1

That should resize it to the largest data item in the column. You may be able to set it to -1 before the loop and then it will do it as the data is added. My VB is very rusty so I can't remember exactly how it works (so rusty I could be way off as well)

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