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Good advanced javascript book that focuses on just javascript?


Hey guys. I'm trying to refresh my self on everything about javascript. I have been focusing on application development with C#/XAML for the past few years but I used to develop web sites exclusivly so while I know a little bit about javascript I need to expand my knowledge. Most books seem to show you how to use other platforms which is nice (like jQuery, etc). But I'm looking for raw javascript. While it's all good for production environments use to use platforms such as JQuery, KO, etc you aren't truly learning what is going on behind the scenes and that's what I like to do. I want to be able to write my own jQuery from scratch if I need to (obviously I probably wouldn't b/c jQuery is awesome but that's just an example).

Any ideas?

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3 answers to this question

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What qualifies as advanced Javascript?

I would suggest just going over online resources if all your looking for is a refresher. If you end up using W3Schools tutorial, keep in mind the errata found here.

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Thanks for the tips everyone I'll look into those. And by advanced javascript I mean I just don't want it to go over in details "ok so you import your external js file by typing in <script src="..." ...></script>" and you can select a div by using the querySelector function. I want more advanced concepts and skips over the basic stuff that I already know. Obviously some of it will be covered regardless but I just want the main focus to not be at a beginner level.

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