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[c] Moving the cursor in console mode


I'm writing a simple game for the Windows 2000 command prompt - the biggest problem at present is that when I need to update one character anywhere on the screen, I need to redraw the entire screen resulting in serious flicker.

There must be some way to move the cursor to a given x,y co-ordinate on the screen. Anyone know how this is done?

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here's the declaration, its not standard i believe but it may be found in conio or in pc. I know its in djgpp (gcc for dos) atleast.

void ScreenSetCursor(int row, int column);

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You can use the api setcursorpos on vb

and also the getcursorpos the get the current mouse x and y

Public Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long

Call SetCursorPos(x, y)

Public Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As PointAPI) As Long

Public Type PointAPI

X As Long

Y As Long

End Type

dim mouse as pointapi

'mouse.x returns the current mouse x

'mouse.y returns the current mouse y

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underscorebios, what are you talking about? That looks like:

  • Visual Basic, not C
  • Referring to mouse position, not the cursor
  • For the Windows APIs, not for DOS style console programs
  • For getting the position rather than moving it


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I've discovered this:


The SetConsoleCursorPosition function sets the cursor position in the specified console screen buffer.

BOOL SetConsoleCursorPosition(

 HANDLE hConsoleOutput,  // handle to console screen buffer

 COORD dwCursorPosition   // new cursor position coordinates




Handle to a console screen buffer. The handle must have GENERIC_WRITE access.


Specifies a COORD structure containing the new cursor position. The coordinates are the column and row of a screen buffer character cell. The coordinates must be within the boundaries of the screen buffer.

I can get this added so it compiles, but I can't run it because I don't know what it means for the first paramater. What is handle? How do I get the handle for the DOS console the program is being run on?

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weenur, that page gave a little bit more info on the function I found, including a link to how to get the handle. For people who actually use the search function, here's how it's done:

/* A simple program to move the cursor */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>

int main( void )
	COORD newPosition = { 0, 0 };


	printf("Hello World\n");

	SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), newPosition );


	return 0;

This will clear the screen, print Hello World and then writing a pling ("!") over the H. Change newPosition.X and newPosition.Y to change the position on the screen...

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