Windows 7 backing up / Restore Activation!

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Just wondering if their is anyway to backup my Windows 7 activation settings, as i am planning to install win7 x64 version

Thanks! :whistle:

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Just wondering if their is anyway to backup my Windows 7 activation settings, as i am planning to install win7 x64 version

Thanks! :whistle:

Just what are you asking? Assuming the version "backing up" is not win7 x64 version, reinstalling the backed up version would result in a working copy, especially if it is a full image. If I am missing something, please excuse my misunderstanding.

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nah its gonna be a clean install of Win7 x64, from a standard Win7 32bit install

So is their anyway of saving my activation settings, then restoring them in Win 7 x64

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That only works for OEM versions. Since the OP is being a little weird, it's unclear exactly what he's trying to accomplish and whether he actually has a Windows 7 license to begin with.

OP: If you have a genuine Windows 7 x86 Retail installation that is activated, you should be able to simply install and activate Windows 7 x64 Retail. I'm not sure if Windows Product Activation uses the platform when determining whether an installation exceeds the tolerance for reactivation. I suspect not, since Windows 7 product keys work for both x86 and x64. Technically you'd be violating the Windows 7 license agreement since no retail version is sold under a dual-platform license, though I suspect you wouldn't care about that.

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Hard as it is believe, not everyone has constant internet access. Plus, if it is a pirated version he wouldn't need to worry about activation anyway. Having to talk to MS activation is exactly my idea of a good time when you can't understand half the people you talk to. You shouldn't always assume people are up to no good when asking for help.

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These days it's a computer with voice recognition. In Win7's case, you read off a 54 character string, and it reads another one back to you, which you enter into Windows to activate it.

I just love how people automatically assume someone is a pirate just because they don't understand why the person wants to do something, especially when a good percentage of the people around here are most likely pirates themselves. Crap like this is why I have no hope for humanity.

Here's the manual instructions for activation backup and restore:

1. Copy and save or backup the following activation-related files to external storage medium such as USB flash drive or portable hard disk drive:




Note: For 64-bit (x64) OS, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\spp\tokens\pkeyconfig\pkeyconfig.xrm-ms have to be backed up too.

2. Retrieve and record the product key used to install and activate the current Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.

Tip: If you can’t remember the product key used, there is plenty of product key viewers available to help.

3. Reinstall Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. When installation wizard prompts for a product key for activation, leave it blank (do not enter anything).

4. In the newly installed Windows operating system, stop the Software Protection Service in Services.msc or with the following command (run in elevated command prompt):

net stop sppsvc

5. Navigate to the following folder:


Note: In 64-bit (x64) operating system, also perform the action in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\spp\tokens\pkeyconfig\ folder.

6. Take ownership and give user full control permissions (alternatively add grant full control right click menu item) to pkeyconfig.xrm-ms file.

7. Delete the original default pkeyconfig.xrm-ms file, and replace with the backup copy.

8. Navigate to the following folder:


9. Take ownership and give user full control permissions (alternatively add grant full control right click menu item) to tokens.dat file.

10. Delete the original default tokens.dat file, and replace with the backup copy.

11. Restart the Software Protection Service in Services.msc or with the following command (run in elevated command prompt):

net start sppsvc

12. Register the product key for Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 with the following command (run in elevated command prompt):

slmgr.vbs -ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

Replace xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx with the actual product key.

13. Windows will activated instantly, off-line. To check activation status, uses of of the following commands:

slmgr.vbs -dlv

slmgr.vbs -dli

slmgr.vbs -ato

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This is hilarious. He has enough of an internet connection to post multiple times here yet he doesn't want to Copy/Paste a key, click Continue, and wait all of 30 seconds.

Yeah, don't stand up for him, don't be that blind.

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This is hilarious. He has enough of an internet connection to post multiple times here yet he doesn't want to Copy/Paste a key, click Continue, and wait all of 30 seconds.

Yeah, don't stand up for him, don't be that blind.

Maybe he's at a friend's house. Maybe the library. Automatic activation doesn't always work either. If you're not going to help the guy, then don't. No reason to act like an jerk, either. Like I said. If he's pirating the software, he wouldn't even need to go through this much trouble. Haven't you ever heard, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. It's a help forum. If you're not going to help, don't bother saying anything.

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These days it's a computer with voice recognition. In Win7's case, you read off a 54 character string, and it reads another one back to you, which you enter into Windows to activate it.

I just love how people automatically assume someone is a pirate just because they don't understand why the person wants to do something, especially when a good percentage of the people around here are most likely pirates themselves. Crap like this is why I have no hope for humanity.

Here's the manual instructions for activation backup and restore:

1. Copy and save or backup the following activation-related files to external storage medium such as USB flash drive or portable hard disk drive:




Note: For 64-bit (x64) OS, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\spp\tokens\pkeyconfig\pkeyconfig.xrm-ms have to be backed up too.

2. Retrieve and record the product key used to install and activate the current Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.

Tip: If you can?t remember the product key used, there is plenty of product key viewers available to help.

3. Reinstall Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. When installation wizard prompts for a product key for activation, leave it blank (do not enter anything).

4. In the newly installed Windows operating system, stop the Software Protection Service in Services.msc or with the following command (run in elevated command prompt):

net stop sppsvc

5. Navigate to the following folder:


Note: In 64-bit (x64) operating system, also perform the action in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\spp\tokens\pkeyconfig\ folder.

6. Take ownership and give user full control permissions (alternatively add grant full control right click menu item) to pkeyconfig.xrm-ms file.

7. Delete the original default pkeyconfig.xrm-ms file, and replace with the backup copy.

8. Navigate to the following folder:


9. Take ownership and give user full control permissions (alternatively add grant full control right click menu item) to tokens.dat file.

10. Delete the original default tokens.dat file, and replace with the backup copy.

11. Restart the Software Protection Service in Services.msc or with the following command (run in elevated command prompt):

net start sppsvc

12. Register the product key for Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 with the following command (run in elevated command prompt):

slmgr.vbs -ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

Replace xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx with the actual product key.

13. Windows will activated instantly, off-line. To check activation status, uses of of the following commands:

slmgr.vbs -dlv

slmgr.vbs -dli

slmgr.vbs -ato

Might be just me, but if you're willing to go through all 13 steps to save and restore an activation you may as well just call the toll free activation number and type in your 42 digit id to the machine and have it read the confirmation back to you. At least you'd be sure that you will have an activated Windows install that way. It is possible that the 32 bit license store is not compatible with an x64 install.

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This is hilarious. He has enough of an internet connection to post multiple times here yet he doesn't want to Copy/Paste a key, click Continue, and wait all of 30 seconds.

Yeah, don't stand up for him, don't be that blind.

I posted the instructions to spite you and others like you who always assume someone is up to no good, just because you have no clue of the person's reasoning, needs, or interests.

For all you people know the guy is fascinated with Windows activation technology and is playing with it in order to learn more.

Instead of assuming you know anything about someone, how about just taking the post at face value and quit trying to read between the lines.

It is possible that the 32 bit license store is not compatible with an x64 install.

I never said it wasn't.

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Automatic activation doesn't' work? When :|. Do tell me. Out of the 100+ times i've set up computers and activated them not once has activation ever failed me. I've done it on all sorts of connections, many versions of 7, and 32 and 64. I don't buy that at all.

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I can't say for Win7 as I haven't done too many installs, but I work at a school and have imaged MANY XP machines. We don't have site license so don't use Sysprep, but I've had to do phone activation MANY times because of hardware differences. And I don't have a phone in every room, so it's not the most convenient thing to have to deal with.

I didn't say it doesn't work. I said it doesn't work every time. So why go through the through the hassle if you don't have to. If all my machines had the same hardware I could copy the activation over, but it doesn't happen all that often, and I do have pretty constant internet connection.

As I've said several times in thread that apparently you haven't seen, you don't know the circumstance so you shouldn't judge people.

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Perhaps the only way to solve this problem is simply a question to the OP:

How did you activate your computer the first time? In all honestly, please explain how. That's all I'm asking an answer to. This is a totally civil question.

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Solve what problem? The OP found a tool that does what he wants, so his issue is solved.

The only problem here now is that some people apparently believe the guy is a pirate. Which is really no one's business but his.

What's with this board? You people see pirates everywhere you look.

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Solve what problem? The OP found a tool that does what he wants, so his issue is solved.

The only problem here now is that some people apparently believe the guy is a pirate. Which is really no one's business but his.

First off, **** off with the personal attacks.

Second, I'm trying to make amends by filling in the picture that you feel that I don't fully have; and that is asking what the process was for this particular user in activating. If he said his activation story was long and hectic, that I would say that would make sense why you're not interested in reactivating the same way, and I would apologize.

Get off your high horse and recognize attempts at swallowing one's dignity when you see it, thanks.

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My post was hardly an attack. You would know if I was attacking. I was merely stating what I see plain as day. It's not just this thread either, it's all over this board. I've never seen a more paranoid bunch.

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Well gee, don't you feel comfortable on your "I do everything correctly" pedestal.

Whatever, OP, question still stands. I'm curious to know why you'd want to backup your activation status.

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Guys, I'm going to close this thread now. The OP has several solutions to his problem, and cleaning this thread of the mud slinging would leave it practically empty.

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