Share your custom Firefox/Minefield 4 stylish scripts

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I know this is a silly and simple question. Been googling on how to resize the width of the tab bar in Firefox 4.0 Beta 2 however I was not able to find the answer. Your reply will be much appreciated. Thanks. :)

Are you talking about Tab width? You can change that its just done using CSS now.

.tabbrowser-tab {
  max-width: 100px !important;
  min-width: 100px !important;

Edit: Too early in the morning... It would be easier to just add padding to the Tabbar like:

#TabToolbar {
  padding: top right bottom left !important;

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Edit: Too early in the morning... It would be easier to just add padding to the Tabbar like:

#TabToolbar {
  padding: top right bottom left !important;

Thanks for the reply. I finally got the answer. :)

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How can I add Icon to app button on Minimal theme?

I'm not sure what that has to do with that Fast Dial theme...

You'll need to adjust the left and right margins, I'm sure.

#appmenu-button .button-text {
color: transparent !important;
text-shadow: none !important;
margin-left: -14px !important;
margin-right: -22px !important;
background: url(INSERT ICON HERE) no-repeat 16px !important;

#appmenu-button > .button-box:after {
  content: "Firefox" !important;
  padding: 0 0px 0 5px !important;

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I'm not sure what that has to do with that Fast Dial theme...

You'll need to adjust the left and right margins, I'm sure.

#appmenu-button .button-text {
color: transparent !important;
text-shadow: none !important;
margin-left: -14px !important;
margin-right: -22px !important;
background: url(INSERT ICON HERE) no-repeat 16px !important;

#appmenu-button > .button-box:after {
  content: "Firefox" !important;
  padding: 0 0px 0 5px !important;

sorry, It was a general reply to you. Tried it with Stylish, do I need to do it with css?

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Um, Stylish IS CSS? Read the script very carefully. Replace text where obvious. I have no idea what icon you want in there, you will have to take care of that part yourself. If you still don't get it switch to IMing me; this thread is getting cluttered with people asking questions when it should be a showcase for what people have done (IMO).

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Thanks for the link, I just started using it as well. I've downloaded and installed the theme but for the life of me I cannot work out how to get the thick white borders around each thumbnail or change the thumbnail background to that gradient style. Does anyone have a stylish script that turns the 'fast dial' button into a tab much like the home button to tab script (making it into an app tab is not what I was after)


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Read the instructions on the theme author's deviantart page. The thumbnails must be set to a fixed size, I believe it's 200x150. Also, you have to set the image to be a png logo with transparency, otherwise it'll just use a thumbnail screenshot of the webpage it's linked to, instead, which will be a rectangle that covers the rounded frame background. If you have trouble getting the borders to line up where they're supposed to around the logo images try adjusting your columns and rows.

You can open a Fast Dial page, right-click on the tab, and select to make it an app tab.

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Posted this in the meet firefox 4 thread before this one existed.

Guess I should post it here too.

#BMB_bookmarksPopup > menuitem:first-child + menuitem + menuseparator 
    display:none !important; 

Removes some redundant entries from the Bookmarks menu

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This is what I'm using right now, in conjunction with the Minimal theme. Note that I'm using the Clearscreen Sharp visual style; other visual styles will require changes to the margin values for the menu button.


#appmenu-button .button-text {
color: transparent !important;
text-shadow: none !important;
margin-left: -16px !important;
margin-right: -19px !important;
background: url("") no-repeat 16px !important;

#appmenu-button > .button-box:after {
 content: "Phoenix" !important;
 padding: 0 0px 0 5px !important;
 text-shadow: 0 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,2), 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0,1) !important;

padding: 0px 10px 0px 7px !important;
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(251,89,65,1), rgba(189,40,25,1), rgba(157,6,0 ,.85)) !important;
-moz-border-radius: 0px 0px 3px 3px !important;
border-top: 0px !important;
margin-top: -1px !important;

background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(251,89,65,1), rgba(251,55,65,.85)) !important;

#navigator-toolbox[tabsontop="true"] #TabsToolbar{
padding-bottom: 2px !important;
padding-left: 2px !important;

#PersonalToolbar {
 border: 0 !important;
 -moz-appearance: -moz-win-glass !important;
 background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255,0), rgba(255,255,255,.35), rgba(255,255,255,.75)) !important;
 padding: 0 !important;
 margin: -6px 0 1px 0 !important;

#PersonalToolbar .bookmark-item:not(menuitem){
 font-size: 4mm !important;
 font-family: calibri !important;
 font-weight: bold !important;
 color: white !important;
 text-shadow: 0 0px 3px rgba(0,0,0,2),
 	0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0,1) !important;

.tabbrowser-tab[selected="true"] {
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(251,89,65,1), rgba(189,40,25,1), rgba(157,6,0 ,.85)) !important;

background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(251,89,65,1), rgba(251,55,65,.85)) !important;

.tabbrowser-tabs .tab-text {
 font-size: 3.45mm !important;
 font-family: calibri !important;
 font-weight: bold !important;
 color: #ffffff !important;
 text-shadow: 0 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,2),
 	0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0,1) !important;

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This is what I'm using right now, in conjunction with the Minimal theme. Note that I'm using the Clearscreen Sharp visual style; other visual styles will require changes to the margin values for the menu button.


#appmenu-button .button-text {
color: transparent !important;
text-shadow: none !important;
margin-left: -16px !important;
margin-right: -19px !important;
background: url("") no-repeat 16px !important;

#appmenu-button > .button-box:after {
 content: "Phoenix" !important;
 padding: 0 0px 0 5px !important;
 text-shadow: 0 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,2), 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0,1) !important;

padding: 0px 10px 0px 7px !important;
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(251,89,65,1), rgba(189,40,25,1), rgba(157,6,0 ,.85)) !important;
-moz-border-radius: 0px 0px 3px 3px !important;
border-top: 0px !important;
margin-top: -1px !important;

background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(251,89,65,1), rgba(251,55,65,.85)) !important;

#navigator-toolbox[tabsontop="true"] #TabsToolbar{
padding-bottom: 2px !important;
padding-left: 2px !important;

#PersonalToolbar {
 border: 0 !important;
 -moz-appearance: -moz-win-glass !important;
 background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255,0), rgba(255,255,255,.35), rgba(255,255,255,.75)) !important;
 padding: 0 !important;
 margin: -6px 0 1px 0 !important;

#PersonalToolbar .bookmark-item:not(menuitem){
 font-size: 4mm !important;
 font-family: calibri !important;
 font-weight: bold !important;
 color: white !important;
 text-shadow: 0 0px 3px rgba(0,0,0,2),
 	0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0,1) !important;

.tabbrowser-tab[selected="true"] {
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(251,89,65,1), rgba(189,40,25,1), rgba(157,6,0 ,.85)) !important;

background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(251,89,65,1), rgba(251,55,65,.85)) !important;

.tabbrowser-tabs .tab-text {
 font-size: 3.45mm !important;
 font-family: calibri !important;
 font-weight: bold !important;
 color: #ffffff !important;
 text-shadow: 0 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,2),
 	0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0,1) !important;

My god... this makes Firefox destroy ever other browser UI wise imho, nice job! :laugh:

Also a question, is it possible to remove the close button also on the active tab?

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    position: fixed !important;
    z-index: 1000 !important;
    top: 1px !important;

#main-window[sizemode=maximized] #appmenu-button-container
    top: 8px !important;

    border: 1px solid rgba(90,30,0,0.8)!important;
    padding: 1px 19px 1px 15px !important;
    height: 22px !important;
    min-width: 90px !important;
    width: 43px !important;

#appmenu-button:hover:active, #appmenu-button[open] 
    background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,.2), rgba(0,0,0,.1) 10%, transparent 60%), -moz-radial-gradient(14px, circle cover, rgba(248, 233, 164, 0.5) 29%, rgba(248, 233, 164, 0.2) 35%, rgba(248, 233, 164, 0) 50%) !important;
    -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0,0,0,.4) inset !important;

#appmenu-button .button-text

    text-shadow: none !important;
    margin-left: -267px !important;
    margin-right: -103px !important;   

#appmenu-button dropmarker 
    margin: 0 1px 0 0 !important; 

#navigator-toolbox[tabsontop="true"] #TabsToolbar
    padding: 25px 0 0 0 !important;

#main-window[sizemode=maximized] #navigator-toolbox[tabsontop="true"] #TabsToolbar
    padding: 25px 0 0 0 !important;

#navigator-toolbox:not([tabsontop="true"]) #nav-bar
    padding-top: 27px !important;

#navigator-toolbox:not([tabsontop="true"]) #nav-bar[iconsize="small"]
    padding-top: 24px !important;

    position: fixed !important;
    z-index: 100 !important;
    left: 115px !important;
    height: 21px !important;
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) 0%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) 100%), -moz-linear-gradient(left, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 1.4%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 2.5%) !important;
    -moz-border-radius: 0 0 4px 0 !important;
    text-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8), 0 0 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8), 0 0 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8), 0 0 3px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) !important;
    -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5), 0 0 1px rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.5) inset, 0 0 1px rgba(60, 60, 60, 0.9) inset, 0 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) inset !important;

   padding: 2px 2px 0 5px !important;

#main-window[sizemode=maximized] #toolbar-menubar
   height: 20px !important;
  top: 9px !important;

#main-window[sizemode=maximized] menubar
   padding: 1px 2px 0 5px !important;

#urlbar, #searchbar > *, .findbar-textbox{
  -moz-appearance: none !important;
  background: rgba(20,20,20,.40) !important;
  -moz-border-radius: 6px !important;
  color: #99ccff !important;
  text-shadow: #000000 1px 1px 2px, #000000 -1px 1px 2px, #000000 1px -1px 2px, #000000 -1px -1px 2px !important;


#urlbar:hover, #searchbar:hover > *, .findbar-textbox:hover {
  background: rgba(20,20,20,.75) !important;
  text-shadow: #ffffff 0px 0px 2px !important;

 color: #ffffff !important;

#TabsToolbar, #browser-bottombox, #status-bar, #status-bar > *, #nav-bar {

 background: transparent !important;
  color: #ffffff !important;
  text-shadow: #000000 1px 1px 2px, #000000 -1px 1px 2px, #000000 1px -1px 2px, #000000 -1px -1px 2px !important;
    -moz-appearance: none !important;
border: #000000 !important;


 margin-top: 1px !important;
.findbar-find-next, .findbar-find-previous, .findbar-highlight{
 color: #ffffff !important;

.tabbrowser-tab, .tabs-newtab-button {
  background: rgba(20,20,20,.5) !important;
  color: #ffffff !important;
  text-shadow: #000000 1px 1px 2px, #000000 -1px 1px 2px, #000000 1px -1px 2px, #000000 -1px -1px 2px !important;
  font-size: 11px !important;
  border: #000000 1px solid !important;
  padding-left: 4px !important;
  padding-right: 4px !important;
  padding-top: 2px !important;
  -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 1em 0px rgba(255,255,255,.5) !important; 
  -moz-border-radius: 6px 6px 0px 0px !important;
  margin-top: 2px !important;
 margin-left: 0px !important;
 margin-right: 1px !important;
 padding-bottom: 0px !important;


  margin-top: 2px !important;
  margin-bottom: 2px !important;
  padding-bottom: 0px !important;
  padding-top: 0px !important;

.tabbrowser-tab[pinned="true"] .tab-icon-image
  margin-top: 0px !important;


 background: rgba(50,50,50,.5) !important;
 -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2em 0px rgba(255,180,80,.75) !important;
 color: #ffcc99 !important;

.tabbrowser-tab:hover, .tabs-newtab-button:hover {
  background: rgba(50,50,50,.5) !important;
  color: #ffcc99 !important;
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 2em 0px rgba(255,180,80,.75) !important; 


#appmenu-button {
  background: #C12869 !important;
  color: #CFECEC !important;
margin-left: 15px !important;
padding: 2px 9px 7px 9px !important;
-moz-border-radius-topright: 0 !important;
  text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,.75) 1px 1px 2px, rgba(0,0,0,.75) -1px 1px 2px, rgba(0,0,0,.75) 1px -1px 2px, rgba(0,0,0,.75) -1px -1px 2px !important;
 -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 3em 0px rgba(250,120,0,.5) !important;

#appmenu-button:hover, .tabbrowser-tab:hover, .tabs-newtab-button:hover {
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255,.75), rgba(250,120,0,.75) 5px, rgba(0,0,0,.75) 20px) !important;
  color: #ffcc99 !important;
 text-shadow: #ffffff 0px 0px 2px !important;
 -moz-box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 8px 2px rgba(250,120,0,1), 0px 0px 1em rgba(250,120,0,1) !important;

#appmenu-button dropmarker:before { content: "Firefox 4" !important; 

#appmenu-button .button-text
 color: transparent !important;
    text-shadow: none !important;
    margin-left: -27px !important;
    margin-right: -33px !important;
    background: url("") no-repeat 16px !important;


#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar
  min-height: 0px;

  max-height: 49px;    /*you can change*/


#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar > hbox
  display: -moz-stack !important;
  width: 100%;

#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar #PlacesToolbarItems

#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar #PlacesToolbarItems > box

#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar > .bookmark-item
  visibility: visible !important;

#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar .chevron

#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar > hbox > hbox

#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar #PlacesToolbarDropIndicator[collapsed="true"]

#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar #PlacesToolbarDropIndicator

/* depend on theme */
#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar toolbarbutton.bookmark-item
  padding-top: 2px;
  padding-bottom: 2px;
  padding-left: 3px;
  padding-right: 3px;
#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar toolbarbutton.bookmark-item:hover:active:not([disabled="true"]),
#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar toolbarbutton.bookmark-item[open="true"] {
  padding-top: 2px !important;
  padding-bottom: 2px !important;
  -moz-padding-start: 4px;
  -moz-padding-end: 2px;
#personal-bookmarks #PlacesToolbar toolbarseparator
  -moz-appearance: none !important;
  visibility: visible !important;
  text-shadow: none !important;

  border-left: 3px solid ThreeDShadow !important;
  border-right: 3px solid ThreeDHighlight !important;
  vertical-align: middle;

#personal-bookmarks toolbarbutton.bookmark-item[dragover][open]
  -moz-appearance: toolbarbutton;

/*makes the Stumbleupon toolbar transparent*/
toolbar.chromeclass-toolbar#stumbleupon {border: none !important; background: none !important; text-shadow: #fff 0px 0px 10px, #fff 1px 1px 10px, #fff 1px 1px 3px !important;}

/*makes navigation and bookmarks toolbar  transparent when tabs are above*/
#nav-bar, #PersonalToolbar {border: none !important;     background: transparent !important; text-shadow: #fff 0px 0px 10px, #fff 1px 1px 10px, #fff 1px 1px 3px !important;}

/*Hides splitter bar that appears with stumbleupon after first restart*/
splitter.toolbar-splitter {display: none;}

/*Hides bookmarks button, bug scheduled to be fixed in later releases*/
#bookmarks-menu-button {display: none;}

/*Combine stop/reload buttons*/

#stop-button[disabled="true"] { display:none; } 
#stop-button:not([disabled]) + #reload-button { display:none; }

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Anyone got a copy of the latest stylish addon, appears to be down at the moment

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Amazing guys! I'm using a few of the scripts, works great. Here's mine(thanks Bogas!)


Those aren't the default toolbar colors or are they? I like the colors quite a bit.

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How to you get Fast Dial or Speed dial to work for firefox 4?

Go to the Fast Dial add-on page and scroll down to the bottom of the description (just above the reviews section) where it says beta channel and click 'install beta version'. Works for me on 4.0b2.

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i second this

#status-bar *,
#FindToolbar {
  -moz-appearance: -moz-win-glass !important;
  background: transparent !important;
  border: 0 !important;
  text-shadow: 0 0 3px white !important;

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