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Bin Laden skinned by techies

Thousands of gamers around the world are busy downloading a virtual model of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden so they can blow him away in a game of Quake.

Cyberextruder.com, a web company that specialises in creating realistic 'skins' for computer games, is responsible for the craze.

Skins are typically user made add-ons for first person shoot-em-up games such as Quake, Half Life and Unreal, allowing you to modify the appearance of your character. Cyberextruder specialises in creating lifelike model skins based on photographs.

And this is where the idea began. Employees at Cyberextruder apparently used photographs of bin Laden to created the skin for the Quake III: Arena and Unreal games. Although not initially posted on the company's website, demand grew to such an extent that the bin Laden skin appeared for public download.

News source: WinOSCentral

Download: Skins for Q3a, UT and The Sims

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