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Commentary: Apple's Switch Hit

Heres a nice commentry I saw @ BetaNews on Apple switchers, good read for a Sunday now theres no World Cup anymore.

Apple is courting potential PC switchers with a new ad campaign and Web site. The effort once raises the great PC vs. Mac debate and whether Apple can really compete against Windows. Surprisingly, Macs in some ways offer more value than PCs, despite the price difference between them. Even so, will the switchers still be using Macs a year from now?

Apple has been itching to get PC users switching.

In fact the company has big plans, starting with bringing PCs into the 30-plus Apple retail stores for byte-to-byte showdowns with Macs. Hell, reliable sources tell me Apple is seriously considering bringing Dell Computer models into the stores. I got to chuckle. On the way to my local Apple Store on June 16, 2002, some guy with Maryland vanity plates spelling out "Dell" pulled in front of me on Connecticut Ave.

Anyway, in mid June the company set up a Web site for potential PC switchers and launched a clever ad campaign featuring real people that gave their PCs the boot--and we're not talking the computer start-up process here--and moved to Macs. I've had a lot of fun ribbing Apple over the campaign, asking the public relations folks how the company convinced eight of the 10 people who switched to do the commercials.

View: Commentary: Apple's Switch Hit @ BetaNews

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