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Gran Turismo Hits PC

Sony has recently confirmed that Polyphony digital is busy working on a PC version of its popular Gran Turismo games. Gran Turismo Professional, as it will be known, is being developed alongside Gran Turismo 4 for the PS2.

While no further information has been issued, we expect GT Professional to be based roughly on Gran Turismo 3 which appeared late last year for the PlayStation 2. Textures, car models and the game engine may all be ported across to the PC to make the conversion as smooth as possible, rather than developing new game elements from scratch.

One interesting thing to look out for is the possibility of online compatibility between the two games. The prospect of PC gamers taking on PS2 gamers at what was, up until now, their own game, is a very enticing one. Since GT4 will feature online play, for its PC counterpart to have this is not out of the question.

News source: gameswire.com

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